dign-, dain-
(Latin: worthy of respect and esteem; a positive regard and honor for)
indignantly (adverb), more indignantly, most indignantly
Descriptive of a person, or people, being very upset and disturbed: "The athlete indignantly denied all of the accusations that he took enhancing drugs."
Anger and frustration that is caused by something which is unfair or wrong: "The decision of the store to lay off workers caused a great deal of indignation by many employees."
An insulting or embarrassing situation or occurrence: "Karl's grandmother was told by her doctor that she will have to endure the indignities of growing old."
infra dignitatem; infra dig. (Latin phrase)
Translation: "Beneath the dignity (of someone)."
Undignified. The phrase is used to indicate that a suggested or contemplated act is not proper for one's character or standing. Some people shorten the phrase to infra dig by those who know.
Integrias, veritas, dignitas. (Latin motto)
Translation: "Integrity, truth, dignity."
Motto of Indiana Northern Graduate School of Professional Management, USA.
Nomine digna. (Latin motto)
Translation: "May it be worthy of the name."
Motto of the former African country of Rhodesia.
Testibus deponentibus in pari numero, dignioribus est credendum. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "Where the witnesses who testify are in equal number (on both sides), the more worthy are they to be believed."
undignified (adjective), more undignified, most undignified
Referring to someone who is behaving in an embarrassing or silly way: "Joe's undignified comments regarding his parents were considered disrespectful and completely unjustified."
Showing page 2 out of 2 pages of 23 main-word entries or main-word-entry groups.