necessar-, necess-
(Latin: needed, inevitable, unavoidable, indispensable)
necessarianism (noun), necessarianisms (pl)
1. A maximum form of determinism that consists all forms of phenomena, including one's desires, are subject to fixed rules of cause and effect.
2. The philosophical doctrine that acts of one's free will or choices are predetermined by the forces of one's inner objectives.
2. The philosophical doctrine that acts of one's free will or choices are predetermined by the forces of one's inner objectives.
necessarily (adverb), more necessarily, most necessarily
Descriptive of something that cannot be changed or avoided: Just because there is a hundred percent humidity, that doesn't necessarily mean that it is raining.
necessary (adjective), more necessary, most necessary
1. Important in order to achieve a specific result or desired by authority or convention: It is necessary that we let the local authorities know that the sewer cover on the street is missing.
2. Inevitable according to what has happened previously: The authorities will no doubt find it necessary to replace the sewer cover as soon as possible.
3. Relating to being essential, indispensable, or a definite requirement: The mechanics at the repair station had the necessary tools to fix the cars that their customers brought in for repairs.
4. Etymology: from Latin necessarius, from necesse, "unavoidable, indispensable"; originally, "no backing away" from ne-, "not" + cedere, "to withdraw, to go away, to yield".
2. Inevitable according to what has happened previously: The authorities will no doubt find it necessary to replace the sewer cover as soon as possible.
3. Relating to being essential, indispensable, or a definite requirement: The mechanics at the repair station had the necessary tools to fix the cars that their customers brought in for repairs.
4. Etymology: from Latin necessarius, from necesse, "unavoidable, indispensable"; originally, "no backing away" from ne-, "not" + cedere, "to withdraw, to go away, to yield".
necessitate (verb), necessitates; necessitated; necessitating
1. To be absolutely needed or to be required: A new safety regulation necessitated adding a railing to the stairways at all levels of the building.
Jack, his family, and extra guests, necessitated taking two cars to go shopping together.
2. Etymology: from Latin necessitatus, from necessitare, "to compel".
necessitous (adjective), more necessitous, most necessitous
Conveying a need for aid; indigent and destitute. The artist had a necessitous desire or extreme wish for ideas as illustrated in the cartoon below.

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necessitously (adverb), more necessitously, most necessitously
1. Descriptive of a destitute or impoverished person: Jim's wife was necessitously helping the young mother next door.
2. Relating to being essential or unavoidable: Frank's boss was necessitously discharging responsibilities to his staff.
3. Pertaining to requiring immediate or urgent attention or action: The mother was necessitously preparing to pick up her children at school because of the thunderstorm that was beginning.
2. Relating to being essential or unavoidable: Frank's boss was necessitously discharging responsibilities to his staff.
3. Pertaining to requiring immediate or urgent attention or action: The mother was necessitously preparing to pick up her children at school because of the thunderstorm that was beginning.
1. A state of impoverishment; material need; especially, of an urgent nature.
2. The condition of being necessary or essential: Proper food is a necessitousness for good health and a healthy development.
3. Something that is unavoidable; as in physical, moral, or logical sequences: A necessitousness determines events without a likelihood that a person can use his or her free will to make it happen.
2. The condition of being necessary or essential: Proper food is a necessitousness for good health and a healthy development.
3. Something that is unavoidable; as in physical, moral, or logical sequences: A necessitousness determines events without a likelihood that a person can use his or her free will to make it happen.
An obligation to family members or friendships: Between parents and their children, there is a great necessitude of relationships.
1. Something needed, essential, or indispensable: Jerry and his family were only taking the necessities for their camping trip.
2. Etymology: from Latin necessitatem, "compulsion, need for attention'; from necesse, "necessary".
2. Etymology: from Latin necessitatem, "compulsion, need for attention'; from necesse, "necessary".
unnecessarily (adverb), more unnecessarily, most unnecessarily
1. A reference of doing something without necessity; needlessly: The politician's speech unnecessarily repeated too much of what the others had already presented.
2. Pertaining to a length beyond what is needed: The food provided by the hostess was unnecessarily generous; especially, for an event meant to raise money for the hungry.
2. Pertaining to a length beyond what is needed: The food provided by the hostess was unnecessarily generous; especially, for an event meant to raise money for the hungry.
unnecessary (adjective), more unnecessary, most unnecessary
Relating to being needless, unessential, or unrequired: There is no sense in taking unnecessary risks to go shopping during the thunderstorm.
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