copi-, copy- +
(Latin: abundance, plenty, plentiful, well supplied, abounding)
1. A machine which makes copies of printed or graphic matter.
2. Someone who transcribes or copies; such as, a copier of ancient manuscripts.
3. A device which makes copies of something; such as, software or recordings.
2. Someone who transcribes or copies; such as, a copier of ancient manuscripts.
3. A device which makes copies of something; such as, software or recordings.
1. An abundance or an overflowing supply.
2. Having plenty or a large quantity.
3. Abounding in matter, thoughts, or words.
2. Having plenty or a large quantity.
3. Abounding in matter, thoughts, or words.
copious (adjective), more copious, most copious
1. Referring to something that exists in excessively large amounts; overly abundant: Henry had the bad habit of eating copious amounts of food.
2. Characteristic of having or producing a large quantity: The farmers in Tom's area had a copious harvest of corn last year.
3. Pertaining to the exhibition or significant numbers of something; such as, of thoughts or words: Lynn made a copious and effusive speech at her farewell celebration thanking and praising all the different people that had made her work as a teacher a success.
4. Etymology: from Latin copiosus, "plentiful"; from copia, "abundance, profusion, plenty"; from com-, "with" + ops, opis, "power, wealth, resources".

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2. Characteristic of having or producing a large quantity: The farmers in Tom's area had a copious harvest of corn last year.
3. Pertaining to the exhibition or significant numbers of something; such as, of thoughts or words: Lynn made a copious and effusive speech at her farewell celebration thanking and praising all the different people that had made her work as a teacher a success.
4. Etymology: from Latin copiosus, "plentiful"; from copia, "abundance, profusion, plenty"; from com-, "with" + ops, opis, "power, wealth, resources".

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copiously (adverb), more copiously, most copiously
1. In an abundant manner.
2. A reference to being large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful.
2. A reference to being large in quantity or number; abundant; plentiful.
1. Having the characteristics of a more than adequate quantity or supply.
2. The state or quality of being copious; abundance; plentifulness; also, diffuseness in style, or manner, of treating a subject or topic.
2. The state or quality of being copious; abundance; plentifulness; also, diffuseness in style, or manner, of treating a subject or topic.
1. Something which is made exactly like something else in appearance or function.
2. One of many identical specimens of something produced in large numbers; especially, something printed or published.
3. The written text to be published in a book, newspaper, or magazine, as distinct from visual material or graphics.
4. To do exactly what someone else does; to reproduce the work of another person.
5. Suitable source material for journalism: "As a movie star, she was good copy for journalists."
6. Etymology: from Latin copia, "plenty, abundance"; then from French copier from Middle Latin copiare, "to transcribe, to write in plenty"; and later came the particular meaning, "to write the original text many times".
2. One of many identical specimens of something produced in large numbers; especially, something printed or published.
3. The written text to be published in a book, newspaper, or magazine, as distinct from visual material or graphics.
4. To do exactly what someone else does; to reproduce the work of another person.
5. Suitable source material for journalism: "As a movie star, she was good copy for journalists."
6. Etymology: from Latin copia, "plenty, abundance"; then from French copier from Middle Latin copiare, "to transcribe, to write in plenty"; and later came the particular meaning, "to write the original text many times".
copyable, copiable (adjective), more copyable, more copiable; most copyable, most copiable
1. Pertaining to something which can be made into an imitation or reproduction of an original: In art class at school, Mrs. Green presented a copiable photo which the students had to recreate on paper using the same coloring as in the authentic and genuine one shown on the wall.
2. The ability to duplicate, or to replicate, something: The activity sheets in the teacher's manual are all copyable for the use of the students.
2. The ability to duplicate, or to replicate, something: The activity sheets in the teacher's manual are all copyable for the use of the students.
Anything which is done in close imitation of another person or of something else.
1. A type of ownership of land in England, evidenced by a copy of the manor roll establishing the title.
2. A medieval form of land tenure in England.
2. A medieval form of land tenure in England.
A copyhold was a parcel of land granted to a peasant by the lord of the manor in return for agricultural services.
1. Someone who is employed to make written copies of documents and manuscripts.
2. Anyone who makes copies of handwritten documents or music.
3. An unimaginative imitator or a mere imitator of others.
2. Anyone who makes copies of handwritten documents or music.
3. An unimaginative imitator or a mere imitator of others.
1. A document granting exclusive right to publish and sell literary, musical, or artistic works.
2. The legal right of creative artists or publishers to control the use and reproduction of their original works.
2. The legal right of creative artists or publishers to control the use and reproduction of their original works.
To copy again.
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "more, plentiful, fullness, excessive, over flowing": exuber-; hyper-; multi-; opulen-; ple-; pleio-; plethor-; poly-; super-; total-; ultra-; undu-.
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