tuit-, tut-

(Latin: to look after, watch over; watcher, guardian)

tutor (verb), tutors; tutored; tutoring
To educate a single person or a small group of people: Jane earned extra money tutoring computer technicians with his knowledge and experiences.

Some teachers spend extra time after school to tutor struggling pupils.

tutorage (s) (noun), tutorages (pl)
tutorial (s) (noun), tutorials (pl)
A computer program, a book; etc. that instructs a person how to do something with explanations with the objectives of achieving each stage of a process: Max found an online tutorial that gives basic instructions for those who have never created web sites.
tutorial (adjective), more tutorial, most tutorial
A reference to someone, or something, that helps others to learn: Sam has been taking a tutorial course in computer programming.
tutorially (adverb), more tutorially, most tutorially
tutorship (s) (noun), tutorships (pl)