frustrat-, frustra-
(Latin: in vain, in error; to deceive, to disappoint)
biofraud, bio-fraud (s); biofrauds, bio-frauds (pl) (noun forms)
The fraudulent manipulation of data in a biological study or survey; such as, when someone "submits false samples of a threatened species".
defraud (verb), defrauds; defrauded; defrauding
1. To deprive someone, or people, of a right, money, or property by fraud, or dishonest means: The dishonest CEO defrauded his company of millions of dollars.
2. Wrongfully taking something without the knowledge or consent of the owner; to cheat; such as, to defraud a man of his property rights after years of mortgage payments.
2. Wrongfully taking something without the knowledge or consent of the owner; to cheat; such as, to defraud a man of his property rights after years of mortgage payments.
defrauded (adjective) (not comparable)
1. A reference to someone who has been deprived of property or rights by a trick, artifice, or deception.
2. A descriptive term for deceit, falsehoods, or trickery to obtain money, an object, rights, or anything of value belonging to another person or other people.
2. A descriptive term for deceit, falsehoods, or trickery to obtain money, an object, rights, or anything of value belonging to another person or other people.
Any one who takes something from another person by deception, or who withholds what is due; a cheat; an embezzler.
electoral fraud (s), electoral frauds (pl) (noun forms)
The illegal interference with the process of a political election.
Acts of fraud tend to involve the results of vote counts to bring about a desired election outcome, whether by increasing the vote share of the favored candidate, depressing the vote share of the rival candidates, or both.
fraud (s), frauds (pl) (noun forms)
1. Something intended to deceive.
2. Deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage over someone or others.
3. Intentional deception resulting in injury to another person.
4. A person who makes deceitful pretenses.
5. The crime of obtaining money or some other benefit by deliberate deception.
6. Someone who deliberately deceives somebody else, usually for financial gain.
7. Something that is intended to deceive people: "She wrote a news story that was subsequently exposed as a fraud."
8. Etymology: "criminal deception" from about 1345, from Old French fraude; from Latin fraudem, fraus, "deceit, injury."
2. Deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage over someone or others.
3. Intentional deception resulting in injury to another person.
4. A person who makes deceitful pretenses.
5. The crime of obtaining money or some other benefit by deliberate deception.
6. Someone who deliberately deceives somebody else, usually for financial gain.
7. Something that is intended to deceive people: "She wrote a news story that was subsequently exposed as a fraud."
8. Etymology: "criminal deception" from about 1345, from Old French fraude; from Latin fraudem, fraus, "deceit, injury."
fraudulence (noun)
1. The quality of being fraudulent or doing something to trick others for in order to get something valuable.
2. A fraudulent or duplicitous representation; such as, a claim of fraudulence.
3. Something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage over others.
2. A fraudulent or duplicitous representation; such as, a claim of fraudulence.
3. Something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage over others.
fraudulent (adjective)
1. Engaging in fraud; deceitful; not honest, true, or fair, and intended to deceive people.
2. Characterized by, constituting, or gained by fraud; such as, fraudulent business practices.
3. Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin fraudulentus, from fraus, fraud, "deceit".
2. Characterized by, constituting, or gained by fraud; such as, fraudulent business practices.
3. Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin fraudulentus, from fraus, fraud, "deceit".
Frustra laborat qui omnibus placere studet.
He labors in vain who strives to please everyone.
You can not please the entire world.
frustrable (adjective), more frustrable, most frustrable
1. Inclined to being discouraged or defeated: The frustrable efforts Jill made with raking the leaves were solved when she just quit the job that day!
2. Able to feel anger, discouragement, or exasperation: It was frustrable for Lynn who always tried her best at getting excellent grades in her German class and persistently receiving a "C" on her tests.
2. Able to feel anger, discouragement, or exasperation: It was frustrable for Lynn who always tried her best at getting excellent grades in her German class and persistently receiving a "C" on her tests.
frustraneous (adjective), frustraneously (adverb)
Vain, useless, unprofitable, and completely useless.
frustrate (verb), frustrates; frustrated; frustrating
1. To prevent someone or something from succeeding or something from coming to fruition: All of the attempts to go out to sea were frustrated by high winds for Jim and his friends.
2. To make a person feel disappointed, exasperated, or weary because he or she is unable to accomplish certain goals or desires: The results of Judy's math test turned out to be very poor and so it frustrated her very much because she had studied so hard and so long to get a good grade.
3. To cause feelings of discouragement or bafflement: Susan tried again and again to solve the jigsaw puzzle, but it frustrated and confused her even though she worked on it so persistently!
4. To make ineffectual or invalid; to nullify: The failure of passing her final exam frustrated Evelyn’s hopes of passing her history class, so she had to take the subject over again!

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2. To make a person feel disappointed, exasperated, or weary because he or she is unable to accomplish certain goals or desires: The results of Judy's math test turned out to be very poor and so it frustrated her very much because she had studied so hard and so long to get a good grade.
3. To cause feelings of discouragement or bafflement: Susan tried again and again to solve the jigsaw puzzle, but it frustrated and confused her even though she worked on it so persistently!
4. To make ineffectual or invalid; to nullify: The failure of passing her final exam frustrated Evelyn’s hopes of passing her history class, so she had to take the subject over again!

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frustrater (s), frustraters (pl) (noun forms)
1. Anything that makes (plans, efforts, etc.) worthless or of no avail; or that which defeats or nullifies.
2. Anyone who disappoints or thwarts the efforts of someone who is trying to accomplish a goal or purpose.
2. Anyone who disappoints or thwarts the efforts of someone who is trying to accomplish a goal or purpose.
frustration (s), frustrations (pl) (noun forms)
1. An act of hindering someone's plans or efforts.
2. A feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized.
3. The motivational and/or affective state resulting from being blocked, thwarted, disappointed or defeated.
4. Lexicomedy: Trying to find your glasses without your glasses.
2. A feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized.
3. The motivational and/or affective state resulting from being blocked, thwarted, disappointed or defeated.
4. Lexicomedy: Trying to find your glasses without your glasses.
frustrative (adjective)
1. Causing a feeling of dissatisfaction; often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems.
2. A situation preventing realization or attainment of a desire.
2. A situation preventing realization or attainment of a desire.
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