honor-, hono-, honest-

(Latin: honor, honesty)

dishonorable (adjective), more dishonorable, most dishonorable
1. Subject to being shameful or disgraceful: Sam's dishonourable and discreditable conduct towards his acquaintances lost him many friends.
2. Referring to someone who lacks integrity and is unprincipled: A dishonourable person is one who is corrupt or crooked and untrustworthy.
dishonorably (adverb), more dishonorably, most dishonorably
1. Referring to how a person acts in a disgraceful way: Ted should have known better, but he behaved dishonorably and shamefully towards his parents, and was therefore sent to his room without dinner!
2. Describing how something occurs in a shocking or deplorable manner: The grades Jack got in school were dishonorably poor and disgusting and he failed in almost every subject!
3. Pertaining to how something happens in a contemptible or blameworthy manner: Sam was dishonorably discharged from the army after he was caught stealing many times from his comrades.
Fax mentis honestae gloria.
Glory is the light of a noble mind.
Honestas et diligentia.
Honesty and diligence.

Motto of Suffolk University Law School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

honorably (adverb), more honourably, most honourably
1. Descriptive of how a person acts in an honest and sincere way: While on the bus, Jane got up honorably from her seat to let the blind lady sit down.
2. Pertaining to how a person is entitled to respect and high regard: Mary's son was honorably discharged from many successful years of being in the navy.
honorarium (s) (noun), honoraria (pl)
Gratuity or financial gift: "After her speech, the guest lecturer was awarded an honorarium in addition to her travel expenses."

"Honoraria are payments or fees presented for professional services on which no fixed prices were set."

"The term honorarium is a short form of honorarium donum, 'a present made on being admitted to an honor'."