(Latin: the best, most favorable, most desirable; exceptionally good)
2. To make transformations to a program, for example to form a program produced by a compiler or programmer, in order to make its efficiency better: The storage capacity was optimized on Sally's laptop to make it more useful for her.
2. The point at which the condition, degree, or amount of something is the most favorable: The chemistry experiment was conducted under optimum (ideal or best) conditions.
3. In biology, the most favorable condition for growth and reproduction: The optimum of the results was obtained by the students when they had ideal circumstances (perfect warmth, good soil, sunlight) for planting and growing the pumpkin seeds in their classroom.
4. The best out of a number of possible options or outcomes: From all the choices of new cars at at the dealer’s, Mary chose the optimum for herself with power steering, four doors, light blue color, and the least amount of gas needed for driving.
5. Etymology: from Latin optimum, optimus, "best"; probably related to ops, "power, resources" evolving from "richest" to "the most esteemed".
The word optimum refers to quality, not quantity. It means "best," not "greatest" or "most".
It often happens that the best is also the greatest or the most; as, "The shareholders were seeking an optimum return on their investments", which could be one reason why there is so much confusion about the meaning of the word.

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Motto of Emperor King Charles IV of Luxembourg (1347-1378). Shortly after his election, Germany was stricken by the plague, the "Black Death". Incited by religious fanatics, the superstitious people made the Jewish minority responsible for the outbreak of the epidemic and persecution of the Jews and public acts of contrition, including self-flagellation, were undertaken to ward off the plague.
During his reign Charles founded the first university in the Empire (1348). He issued the "Golden Bull" confirming the right to the seven prince-electors to choose all future emperors. The Golden Bull further ruled that all German emperors were to be elected in Frankfurt.
NVIDIA combines an initial n (a letter usable as a pronumeral in mathematical statements) and the root of video; from Latin videre, "to see" and so it may indicate "the best visual experience"; however, this is not confirmed by any resource.
2. A program that allows people who use two portable video cards to switch from one to the other one without interrupting their work.3. Solving the common problem of having a balance between performance and battery life; as it relates to graphics in laptops.
4. Described as a breakthrough for notebook PCs that choose a graphics processor for running a given application and automatically routing the workload to either a NVIDIA discrete GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) or Intel integrated graphics with the objective of delivering greater performance while also providing extended battery life.
NVIDIA® Optimus™ technology intelligently optimizes the notebook PC, providing the outstanding graphics performance people need and desire, when it is desired, while extending battery life for longer enjoyment.
The IGP is only being used as a simple display controller, resulting in a seamless, flicker-free experience with no need to reboot.
When less critical or less demanding applications are run, the discrete GPU is powered off and the Intel IGP handles both rendering and display calls to conserve power and provide the highest possible battery life.
Notebooks are developed in a wide variety of sizes and shapes in an effort to provide the ideal balance of battery life and performance for varied consumer needs; as a result, consumers are forced to prioritize performance or battery life, as one feature typically suffers significantly in order to accommodate the other.
With NVIDIA Optimus, it is said that users can enjoy watching a HD movie, surfing the Web, or playing top 3D games with the assurance of getting the best performance and the longest battery life.
- Optimus technology is completely automatic allowing users to experience longer battery life and visuals without having to manually change the settings.
- Behind the scenes and with no interference to what a person is doing, Optimus seamlessly figures is supposed to optimize the notebook computing experience.
- NVIDIA graphics with more than ten times better performance with NVIDIA® CUDA™ technology, allows users to enjoy their applications and games without interruption.
Pax optima rerum, quas homini novisse datum est; pax una triumphis innumeris potior; pax, custodire salutem et cives aequare potens. -Silius Italicus (A.D. 26-A.D. 101).
"Peace is the best thing that men may know; peace is better than a thousand triumphs; peace has power to guard our lives and secure equality among fellow citizens."
Motto of Logan College of Chiropractic, Chesterfield, Missouri, USA.