cap-, cip-, capt-, cept-, ceive, -ceipt, -ceit, -cipient
(Latin: catch, seize, take, take hold of, receive, contain, hold; caught, taken prisoner)
Don't confuse the words in this cap-, cip- unit with those in the capit-, capt-, "head; leader, chief", or "first" unit of words.
conceive (verb), conceives; conceived; conceiving
1. To think of something; such as, a new idea, a plan, or a design.
2. To imagine something or to think of doing something.
3. For a female, to become pregnant with an offspring, a baby, or babies: "I can't conceive that a woman of 90 could conceive, but the Bible says that Sara gave birth to Isaac when she was that age."
4. Etymology: from Latin concipere, conceptus, "to take in and to hold; to become pregnant"; from com-, "together, with" + capere, "to take".
2. To imagine something or to think of doing something.
3. For a female, to become pregnant with an offspring, a baby, or babies: "I can't conceive that a woman of 90 could conceive, but the Bible says that Sara gave birth to Isaac when she was that age."
4. Etymology: from Latin concipere, conceptus, "to take in and to hold; to become pregnant"; from com-, "together, with" + capere, "to take".
1. Something that a person has thought up, or which anyone might be able to imagine: George had a new concept about how to set up a more efficient computer program for his customer.
2. A broad abstract idea or a guiding general principle: The anthropologist had concepts that determined how people or cultures behave and how human events are perceived regarding how primitive societies have evolved.
3. The most basic understanding of something: Geraldine's medical doctor had a concept that explained why she was feeling so bad and what could be done to cure her condition.
4. Etymology: from Latin concep-, stem of concipere, "to take in".

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2. A broad abstract idea or a guiding general principle: The anthropologist had concepts that determined how people or cultures behave and how human events are perceived regarding how primitive societies have evolved.
3. The most basic understanding of something: Geraldine's medical doctor had a concept that explained why she was feeling so bad and what could be done to cure her condition.
4. Etymology: from Latin concep-, stem of concipere, "to take in".

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Etymology: from Latin concep-, concipere, "to take in".
conceptive (adjective), more conceptive, most conceptive
conceptual (adjective), more conceptual, most conceptual
1. Relating to something that is based on an understanding that is in the mind from experience and one's imagination: The engineer defined a conceptual model of the tool before actually producing the real thing.
2. Etymology: from Latin conceptus, concipere; com-, "together, with" + capere, "to take, to form or to hold an idea".
2. Etymology: from Latin conceptus, concipere; com-, "together, with" + capere, "to take, to form or to hold an idea".
conceptualize (verb), conceptualizes; conceptualized, conceptualizing
Etymology: from Old French decevoir, Modern French décevoir, "to deceive"; from Latin decipere. "to ensnare, to take in, to beguile, to cheat"; from de-capere, "to take".
deceitful (adjective), more deceitful, most deceitful
deceitfully (adverb), more deceitfully, most deceitfully
deceivable (adjective), more deceivable, most deceivable
Inclined to being false or misleading: Linda thought Tom was truly a deceivable creature and she hated him because he was so deceitful and deluding.
deceive (verb), deceives; deceived; deceiving
1. To mislead or to deliberately hide the truth from someone: Shawn deceived his mother into believing he was going to school when he really went to a movie"
2. To convince oneself of something that is not true.
2. To convince oneself of something that is not true.
deceived (adjective), more deceived, most deceived