Senior Scribe, Researcher and Compiler of the Project: Word Info +
(John Robertson, a committed lexicographer who is utilizing the past and the present to provide word information for our modern age)
Insights and Revelations about the Senior Scribe Who is Striving to Organize and to Facilitate the Presentations of Latin and Greek Elements as They Embody English Vocabulary
To embody Latin and Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes into English vocabulary carries the meaning of giving a tangible or visible form to abstract terms by gathering and organizing them into an understandable and easily accessible whole.
Available to everyone who feels the need for a unique word to name something differently or to express a new concept is the very considerable store of prefixes, suffixes, and combining-root forms that already exist in English.
Some of these are native and some are borrowed from French; however, the largest number have been taken directly from Latin and/or Greek, and they have been combined in many different ways often without any special regard for matching the elements from the same original language.
The combination of such word elements has produced most of the scientific and technical terms used in Modern English.
This Word Info Site is Primarily Designed for the Use of Those Who Have Not Studied Latin or Greek!
Active as well as passive written and oral communication are dependent on vocabulary skills.
There is a vast number of intelligent and well-educated people who, having missed Latin and/or Greek in their schooling, will never know the benefits of a classical education. It is primarily for this majority of people that this site with its extensive research is provided; however, there is no doubt that even Latin and Greek students can also benefit.
Latin and Greek are the two major contributors to the words used in so many fields of English communications that it is considered necessary and proper that someone be committed to making knowledge of our rich language heritage easily attainable for everyone who is interested in learning more about how the distant past is still contributing to the word treasury of our modern age.
Over the years, the processing and organization of English words derived from Latin and Greek sources for this Word Info site have been done by just one person. Your Senior Scribe continues to add many more words and strives to complete the related definitions.

Thanks to my computer I now have NEW ways
to store my information or data:
on the LEFT side of my computer,
on the RIGHT side of my computer,
on TOP of my computer; as well as,
INSIDE my computer.
The primary differences between this lexicon and other dictionaries is the organization and composition of family units so a user can not only find a word and its definitions (when available), but also a group of related words which come from the same root, prefix, and/or suffix. This provides the searcher with a greater perspective of an English word and the other words which come from the same Latin and/or Greek family elements.
A profile in persistence ad infinitum
In a world where language has become so devalued that even the Bible is now available in a street-slang version, it's good to know that some people still strive to reverse the relentless "dumbing down" of education.
One such individual is represented by the Senior Scribe who is striving to assemble and to organize thousands of Latin and Greek prefixes, suffixes, and roots; which provide the foundations of MANY more thousands of English vocabulary words.
As the Senior Scribe says, "Vocabulary is at the core of literacy and the more extensive our vocabulary is, the greater will be the understanding of what we read and hear."
The neglect of Latin and Greek in our educational institutions has created a serious lack of verbal comprehension
As a result of neglecting Latin and Greek in the curricula of more and more educational institutions at all levels, we see a greater decline in literacy rates, and even fewer math and science students.
The Senior Scribe wanted to do something about the insufficiency of vocabulary skills; so, as he grew more involved, he spent countless hours hunkered down in the halls of learning; such as, The British Museum Library (now the British Library), the Library of Congress, and even a "live-in library" in Wales.
Drawing on scores of medical, science, unabridged dictionaries, and many specialized vocabulary books; he methodically plumbed the depths of the English language.
His research revealed that there was nothing on the market, or on the internet, with the obvious benefits of an extensively organized system of Latin and Greek family units and their multiple family members which have evolved over the centuries.
Such a project requires focus, determination, persistence, spirit, and the confidence that what is being done is worth all the time and effort.
The old loose-leaf binder has now been replaced by a personal computer and a more convenient search site of English words; especially, those from Latin and Greek sources. The Senior Scribe remains hard at work compiling more word families and their relevant words with additional illustrations, supplementary information, and activities; including a variety of self-scoring quizzes in different formats.
Few people have a vision of helping others and fewer still have the necessary persistence and determination to actually make that vision a reality so others will be able to reap the rewards of discovering the richness of the English language that is available in this Word Info site.
Our minds are a result of what we read and studying words not only teaches us about language, it also teaches us about the impact of cultures and their direct influences on our lives.

No one gives advice with more enthusiasm and less knowledge than an ignorant person and, too often, an educated person is someone who knows how to be ignorant intelligently.
It's all right to be ignorant about some things, but it is a bad idea to stay that way; especially, when you can improve by changing ignorance into knowledge!