(Latin: striving to equal; rivaling or competing with; imitate, imitating; trying to do something as well as or better than another system, person, or other people)
emulate (verb), emulates; emulated; emulating
1. To strive to match or to excel; especially, to try to equal or to surpass someone or something that is successful or admired by other people: In order to emulate a famous artist, Nancy had to take lessons for many years before being acknowledged as a master of visual creations.
2. To compete with successfully or to be successful in comparison with someone or something else: After his father’s death, Doug took over his position of being president in his father’s firm and tried to emulate him, and with such positive results, that he was commended and praised by the whole staff.
3. To approach or to attain similarity with someone, or something, by imitation or by producing a superior product: Tom admired his favorite TV star so much that he decided to emulate his hairstyle just like his hero on TV by dyeing or coloring it and wearing it in a pigtail!
4. In computer science, to imitate the functions of another system, by modifications to hardware or software that allow the imitating system to accept the same data, to execute the same programs, and to achieve the same results as the imitated system: James had his hardware and software, or a combination of the two, emulated which made it possible for his friend’s laptop to use the copied applications.

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2. To compete with successfully or to be successful in comparison with someone or something else: After his father’s death, Doug took over his position of being president in his father’s firm and tried to emulate him, and with such positive results, that he was commended and praised by the whole staff.
3. To approach or to attain similarity with someone, or something, by imitation or by producing a superior product: Tom admired his favorite TV star so much that he decided to emulate his hairstyle just like his hero on TV by dyeing or coloring it and wearing it in a pigtail!
4. In computer science, to imitate the functions of another system, by modifications to hardware or software that allow the imitating system to accept the same data, to execute the same programs, and to achieve the same results as the imitated system: James had his hardware and software, or a combination of the two, emulated which made it possible for his friend’s laptop to use the copied applications.

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1. An effort or ambition to equal, excel, or to surpass another person or people.
2. The process of trying to be the same as or better than another person; especially, by imitating.
3. In computer science, a technique of one machine obtaining the same results as another one.
4. Etymology: from the 1550's, from Medieval French émulation (13th century) and directly from Latin aemulationem, aemulatio; from the past participle stem of the Latin verb aemulari, "to rival, to strive to excel"; from aemulus, "striving, rivaling".
2. The process of trying to be the same as or better than another person; especially, by imitating.
3. In computer science, a technique of one machine obtaining the same results as another one.
4. Etymology: from the 1550's, from Medieval French émulation (13th century) and directly from Latin aemulationem, aemulatio; from the past participle stem of the Latin verb aemulari, "to rival, to strive to excel"; from aemulus, "striving, rivaling".
emulative (adjective), more emulative, most emulative
Referring to the ambition or the endeavor to equal or to excel others; such as, in achieving something.
emulatively (adverb), more emulatively, most emulatively
A reference to making efforts to compete successfully with with another person or other people.
Someone who strives to equal or to excel someone else or something done by another person or other people.
emulatory (adjective), more emulatory, most emulatory
A reference to having the desire or ambition to equal, to surpass, or to be better than another person or other individuals.
A female who attempts to equal or to be the same as or better than another person or an organization.
emule (verb), emules; emuled; emuling
To compete with successfully in order to approach or reach equality with another or others.
emulous (adjective), more emulous, most emulous
1. Referring to someone who is eager or ambitious to equal or to surpass others: In the sport competition of aquatic locomotion, Nils was certainly emulous in that he wanted to be the best swimmer!
2. Characterized or prompted by a spirit of rivalry: The two friends were both quite emulous, in that each one was trying to get the best grade in math of all the students in that class.

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2. Characterized or prompted by a spirit of rivalry: The two friends were both quite emulous, in that each one was trying to get the best grade in math of all the students in that class.

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emulously (adverb), more emulously, most emulously
1. Characterized as someone who is seeking to match or to rival another's achievement or performance.
2. Motivated or characterized by rivalry or imitation.
2. Motivated or characterized by rivalry or imitation.
1. Desirous of equaling or excelling another person or other people.
2. Characterized or prompted by a spirit of rivalry.
2. Characterized or prompted by a spirit of rivalry.
Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "equal, identical, same, similar": auto-; equ-, equi-; homeo-; homo-; iso-; pari-; peer; rhomb-; syn-; tauto-.
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