(Latin: greeting, good health; welfare, health)
"Spoken to Claudius by gladiators prior to entering the arena to fight. This may have been a sarcastic salutation."
"Suetonius tells us in his Lives of the Caesars that Emperor Claudius (A.D. 41-A.D. 54) so enjoyed these spectacles, he ordered that even those who fell accidentally be put to death. He wanted to watch their faces as they died."
See Ave, Imperator (above) for additional information.
Motto of Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
2. Relating to that which is wholesome and that promotes physical well-being: Fresh air is considered a salubrious condition for everyone.
3. Etymology or origin: from Latin salubris, from salus, "health."

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Motto of the State of Missouri, USA. Cicero wrote in his De Legibus: Salus populi suprema est lex, "The welfare of the people is the supreme law."
2. Characteristics of some beneficial purpose; wholesome.
2. Characteristic of something of value or benefit to someone or something: The involvement of working with the refugees was certainly a salutary experience for Janice.
3. Etymology or origin: from Latin salutaris from salus, salut-, "health."

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2. The act of acknowledging someone: A handshake and saying "hello" are well-known salutations used by many people.
3. Etymology or origin: from Latin salutario[n] from salutare, "to pay one's respect to."

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Usually a speech given by the person with the second highest grade average in a particular graduating class.
Related "health" word families and articles: Health: Index; Hygeia > hygiene > health; hygieio-, hygiei-; iatro-, -iatrician; sana-, sani-.