minac-, minat-
(Latin: threaten, thretening; to jut out, project out, tower up)
demean (verb), demeans; demeaned; demeaning
To cause a person or something to seem less important or less worthy of respect: The political candidate was careful not to demean her opponent; instead, she chose to show at least some respect for him.
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The casual reaction of some of the members of the project demeans the hard work that the group had done.

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demeaning (adjective), more demeaning, most demeaning
A reference to making something seem insignificant or someone appear to be less worthy of respect: "The man's demeaning comments about Melba's work were considered inappropriate and insulting."
1. Someone's behavior or conduct: Generally, people are admired for their gentle demeanors or they are despised because of their cruel demeanors.
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Those with a haughty or unfriendly demeanor are generally not liked by other people.
2. Etymology: from outdated Middle English demean, "handle, manage, conduct"; later, it meant, "behave in a certain way", from Old French demener, "to guide, to conduct; to live, or to dwell", from de-. "completely" + mener "to lead, to direct"; from Latin minare, "to threaten".

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1. A possible danger; a threat.
2. The act of threatening.
3. A troublesome or annoying person: The little boy was a menace in a shop full of crystal."
4. To utter threats against.
5. To constitute a threat to; to endanger.
2. The act of threatening.
3. A troublesome or annoying person: The little boy was a menace in a shop full of crystal."
4. To utter threats against.
5. To constitute a threat to; to endanger.
menace (verb), menaces; menaced; menacing
menacing (adjective)
Of a menacing or threatening nature; minatory.
minaciousness (s) (noun)
Of a menacing or threatening nature; minatory.
A disposition or tendency to threaten.
1. Menacing, warning, or threatening.
2. Threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments.
2. Threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments.
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