sidero-, sider- (star)
(Latin: star, stars)
Don't confuse this element with another sidero- which means "iron".
1. To think carefully about something.
2. To take into account; to bear in mind: "Her success is not surprising if you consider her excellent training."
3. To show consideration for: "She failed to consider the feelings of the other members of the family."
4. Etymology: from Old French considerer, from Latin considerare, "to look at closely, to observe"; literally, "to observe the stars"; from com-, "with" + sidussideris, "constellation".
2. To take into account; to bear in mind: "Her success is not surprising if you consider her excellent training."
3. To show consideration for: "She failed to consider the feelings of the other members of the family."
4. Etymology: from Old French considerer, from Latin considerare, "to look at closely, to observe"; literally, "to observe the stars"; from com-, "with" + sidussideris, "constellation".
considerable (adjective), more considerable, most considerable
1. Large in amount, extent, or degree: He was a writer of considerable and great influence.
2. Worthy of attention; significant: The economy was a considerable and important issue in the political campaign.
2. Worthy of attention; significant: The economy was a considerable and important issue in the political campaign.
1. Careful thought or deliberation: "Your proposal is currently under consideration."
2. Thoughtful concern for or sensitivity toward the feelings of others.
3. Something to be taken into account when weighing the pros and cons of a situation before making a decision.
4. Payment given in exchange for a service rendered; recompense, compensation: "She agreed to do the project for a small consideration."
2. Thoughtful concern for or sensitivity toward the feelings of others.
3. Something to be taken into account when weighing the pros and cons of a situation before making a decision.
4. Payment given in exchange for a service rendered; recompense, compensation: "She agreed to do the project for a small consideration."
1. Thought carefully about.
2. Thought or deemed to be; regarded as.
3. Formed an opinion about; judged.
2. Thought or deemed to be; regarded as.
3. Formed an opinion about; judged.
Taking something into account.
Something that is desired but which is not yet on hand or in one's possession: Provisions for travel is one example of a desideratum.
1. A longing or ardent desire for something that was once possessed and now is gone and missed: In his old age, Jim has a desiderium for the time when he had a youthful and strong physical condition.
2. A pain or regret because of the loss or absence of something: Peace on earth, a cancer cure, racial harmony are a few examples of desideria for many people.
3. Etymology: from Latin desiderare, "to desire, to feel the want of, to wish for, to long for ".

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2. A pain or regret because of the loss or absence of something: Peace on earth, a cancer cure, racial harmony are a few examples of desideria for many people.
3. Etymology: from Latin desiderare, "to desire, to feel the want of, to wish for, to long for ".

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1. The quality of worth, advantage, or value: There was a debate in class about the desirability of letting the older students smoke on the playground during recess.
2. Attractiveness to the opposite sex: Grace's desirability for the boys in her class was shown in her conduct and appearance being so appealing, charming, and beautiful.
2. Attractiveness to the opposite sex: Grace's desirability for the boys in her class was shown in her conduct and appearance being so appealing, charming, and beautiful.
desirable (adjective), more desirable, most desirable
1. Referring to something worth having or doing: The more desirable and valuable items the store was offering were located inside for many customers.
2. The capacity of having pleasing characteristics: The young lady who was invited to Mr. and Mrs. Smart's luncheon was a very desirable person who was beautiful and had a lovely way of conversing with other guests.
2. The capacity of having pleasing characteristics: The young lady who was invited to Mr. and Mrs. Smart's luncheon was a very desirable person who was beautiful and had a lovely way of conversing with other guests.
desire (verb), desires; desired; desiring
1. To want something very strongly; to long for; to crave; to want.
2. To wish for and to request something.
3. A longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment: "She had a desire for fame."
4. An expressed wish; a request.
5. Etymology: from Old French desirer, which came from Latin desiderare, "to long for, to wish for"; the original sense possibly was "await what the stars will bring"; from the phrase de sidere, "from the stars"; from sidus, and sideris (the genitive form), "heavenly body, star, constellation".
2. To wish for and to request something.
3. A longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment: "She had a desire for fame."
4. An expressed wish; a request.
5. Etymology: from Old French desirer, which came from Latin desiderare, "to long for, to wish for"; the original sense possibly was "await what the stars will bring"; from the phrase de sidere, "from the stars"; from sidus, and sideris (the genitive form), "heavenly body, star, constellation".
Referring to an eagerness to obtain and possess.
Seeking or wishing for something very much: "Both parents were desirous of finding a quick solution to the problem of financing their son's college education."
1. A reference to the stars; astral; as sideral light.
2. Affecting unfavorably by the supposed influence of the stars; baleful.
2. Affecting unfavorably by the supposed influence of the stars; baleful.
Planet-struck; blasted.
1. The state of being siderated, or planet-struck; especially, a blast in plants.
2. A sudden and apparently causeless stroke of disease, as in apoplexy or paralysis.
2. A sudden and apparently causeless stroke of disease, as in apoplexy or paralysis.
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