calori-, calor-, calo-, cal-, cale-
(Latin: heat, warm; related to caust-, (fire, burn, burnt, burner))
An attitude of indifference or lack of concern about what is happening; especially, in situations that normally would cause a great deal of anxiety: Jim was known for his nonchalance when climbing steep cliffs, while others avoided such adventures!

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nonchalant (adjective), more nonchalant, most nonchalant
1. Relating to being unconcerned or uninterested in what is going on: Gerard was surprisingly nonchalant about winning the award as the best athlete of the year.
2. A reference to being relaxed and calm in a way that shows that someone does not care or is not worried about anything: At the graduation ceremony, Sharon spoke to her fellow students and other attendees with the nonchalant ease of a professional speaker.

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2. A reference to being relaxed and calm in a way that shows that someone does not care or is not worried about anything: At the graduation ceremony, Sharon spoke to her fellow students and other attendees with the nonchalant ease of a professional speaker.
Adam had a nonchalant attitude that showed little excitement or desire to complete his project at work even though he knew it would result in a very large financial award.

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A love of beautiful things: Mrs. Thompson was noted for her philocalism because he home was furnished with the most exquisite and and elegant furniture and decorations.
Somebody who loves beauty or is fond of beautiful things: Ruth was a philocalist and never acquired anything that wasn't exquisite and pleasing to her eye.