calli-, cali-, callo-, calo-, kalli-, kali-, kalo-, kaleido-
(Greek: kalos, beautiful)
Someone who has a fondness for possessing nibs or quill pens (a nib refers to the point of a quill pen) or the collecting of fountain-pen points used in stylish penmanship.
Chief of the Muses who was the Muse of heroic poetry, epic poetry, and eloquence.
1. A musical instrument consisting of a series of steam whistles played from a keyboard.
2. In Greek mythology, when capitalized, Calliope was a Muse of epic poetry.
2. In Greek mythology, when capitalized, Calliope was a Muse of epic poetry.
1. A type of instrument that produces music when operating with air pressure: The calliope was known as a steam organ, or a musical instrument consisting of a set of steam whistles that were activated by a keyboard.
2. Etymology: in classical mythology, Kalliope was the muse of heroic poetry. Her name came from calli-, "beautiful" + op, "voice" + the feminine ending -e; and is based on calliope + -phone, "sound".
2. Etymology: in classical mythology, Kalliope was the muse of heroic poetry. Her name came from calli-, "beautiful" + op, "voice" + the feminine ending -e; and is based on calliope + -phone, "sound".
A North American annual plant (Coreopsis tinctoria) widely cultivated for its beautiful showy flower heads with yellow rays and purple-red to brownish centers.
A desire to give birth to or to bear a beautiful child: Kent and Sally were convinced that their wish to have a callipedia was achieved when their daughter was born.
Beautiful or enchanting sound.
Callipygian Venus
Venus, thought to be more beautiful than any mortal woman, is a sculpture called Callipygian, meaning "of the beautiful bottom" or "of the beautiful backside". The late Hellenistic original once stood at the center of a pool in Nero’s Domus Aurea in Rome.

1. A pathologic attraction to people or objects because of their beauty alone, without regard for other qualities.
2. The delusion by someone who thinks that she is beautiful.
2. The delusion by someone who thinks that she is beautiful.

callomaniac (s) (noun, callomaniacs (pl)
Someone who has an excessive love of or obsession to be beautiful and gorgeous.
1. A 19th-century photographic process producing a negative on a plate wet with silver iodide.
2. An early photograph produced by the calotype process.
2. An early photograph produced by the calotype process.
An early photographic process introduced in 1841 by Henry Fox Talbot, using paper coated with silver iodide.
The term calotype came from the Greek κάλο for "beautiful, good", and τύπος for "impression, form".
An antipathy for, or a hatred of, beautiful women.
1. Any of several perennial Eurasian herbs of the genus Hemerocallis in the lily family, often having grasslike leaves and yellow, orange, or purplish lilylike flowers.
2. East Asian rhizomatous clump-forming perennial herbs having flowers on long leafless stalks; cosmopolitan in cultivation: "day lilies"; sometimes placed in subfamily Hemerocallidaceae.
3. From Greek, hemera, "day" plus kallos, "beauty".
2. East Asian rhizomatous clump-forming perennial herbs having flowers on long leafless stalks; cosmopolitan in cultivation: "day lilies"; sometimes placed in subfamily Hemerocallidaceae.
3. From Greek, hemera, "day" plus kallos, "beauty".
An instrument for exhibiting the phenomena of sound-waves, by means of a vibrating rod or plate having a reflector at the end.
1. An optical toy consisting of a cylinder with mirrors and colored shapes inside that create shifting symmetrical patterns when the end is rotated.
2. A complex set of events or circumstances.
3. From early 19th century, Greek kalos, "beautiful" + eidos, "form"; + scope, "see".
2. A complex set of events or circumstances.
3. From early 19th century, Greek kalos, "beautiful" + eidos, "form"; + scope, "see".