Latin Proverbs, Mottoes, Phrases, and Words: Group H

(classical-language maxims, slogans, adages, proverbs, and words of wisdom that can still capture our modern imagination)

Expressions of general truths: Latin to English maxims, proverbs, and mottoes

Word entries are from Latin unless otherwise indicated.

habeas corpus (s) (noun), habeas corpora (pl
That you may have the body: A habeas corpus is a written order requiring a person to be brought before a court or judge to determine his or her legal rights.

When a lawyer intends to apply to a court to obtain a judicial authority, it is fully described as a writ habeas corpus ad subiciendum which requires the prosecutor in the case to bring the accused before a court to undergo ad subiciendum, the action of the law.

A habeas corpus is a feature of British and United States law that protects an individual against arbitrary imprisonment by requiring that anyone who is arrested be brought before a court for a formal charge.

When the court order is executed, a judge hears the complaint under which the person has been detained and rules on the validity of the arrest. If the charge is considered valid, the person must submit to trial; if not, he or she goes free.

Habebunt lumen vitae.
They shall have the light of life.

Motto of Atlantic Christian College, Wilson, North Carolina, USA.

Habet et musca splenem.
Even a fly has a spleen.

The Romans believed anger was centered in the spleen, and we still cling idiomatically to that conception. An English version might be, "The worm turns." In France and Spain, "The ant has its ire." In Italy, "Even the fly has its fury." Poland has an idiom that says, "Even a fly has a belly." This seems to say that the least among us has hunger and aspirations; as well as, rage.

Haec studia oblectant.
These studies give delight.

Motto of Clifton College, U.K.

Heroum filii.
Sons of heroes.

Motto of Wellington College, U.K.

Hic est qui multum orat pro populo.
Here is the one who prays much for the people.
Hic et ubique terrarum.
Here, there, and everywhere.

Motto of the University of Paris, France. Could the translation also be, "Here, there, and throughout the earth"?

Hic jacet . . .
Here lies [followed by a name on a tombstone].
Hinc lucem et pocula sacra. (Latin motto)
Translation: "[From] here [we receive] light and sacred draughts [libations]."

Motto of Cambridge University, U.K. It is also translated as, "Hence light and the sacred draughts [of wisdom]."

According to the Queens' College Web site (one of the colleges associated with Cambridge University), "[From] here [we receive] light and sacred draughts. The 'here' being the University (or the Alma Mater, nursing mother), and 'light and sacred draughts' being metaphors for knowledge."

hoc loco; h.l.
In this place.
hoc titulo; h.t.
In, or under, this title.
Hocine tibi habeas iocum?
Is this your idea of a joke?
hoi polloi (Greek)
The many; the masses.

A term applied to the masses or the common, ordinary people and not the elite.

"The" is not needed in front of hoi polloi, because hoi means "the". Purists who maintain the redundancy of "the" probably are fighting a losing battle because many professional writers continue to use "the hoi polloi".

The phrase also has derogatory implications, often being equated with the "rabble" and "the rag-tag masses".

There are some who suggest that the problems of proper usage can be avoided by not using the expression at all.

Hommage d'éditeur. (French)
With the compliments of the publisher [not the editor].
homo sapiens
Man as a rational being.

The genus of mankind as distinct from other animals.

Pointing to a page about a kleptomaniac Units of mottoes and proverbs listed by groups: A to X.