(Latin: lying on the back; going back; from supinus)
Inverted or seemingly turned upside down, as the flowers of most orchids.
1. The state of lying on the back or dorsum.
2. The position of someone lying upon the back.
3. The condition of being resupinate or reversed; such as, a coral.
2. The position of someone lying upon the back.
3. The condition of being resupinate or reversed; such as, a coral.
Lying on the back; supine.
1. A position of partial or incomplete supination.
2. The act of bringing someone to such a position.
2. The act of bringing someone to such a position.
semisupine, semisupination
1. Partly but not completely supine.
2. The attitude or assumption of a partly supine position (posture of an individual lying face up).
2. The attitude or assumption of a partly supine position (posture of an individual lying face up).
1. To turn the hand so that the palm faces upward, or to be turned in this way.
2. To turn the foot so that the sole is facing upward, or to be turned in this way.
3. To turn the face upward or lie in a supine position with the face upward.
2. To turn the foot so that the sole is facing upward, or to be turned in this way.
3. To turn the face upward or lie in a supine position with the face upward.
1. Rotation of the forearm and hand so that the palm faces forward or upward and the radius lies parallel to the ulna; also, a corresponding movement of the foot and leg.
2. The act of assuming the supine position, or the state of being supine.
2. The act of assuming the supine position, or the state of being supine.
Applied to the hand, the act of turning the palm forward (anteriorly) or upward, performed by lateral rotation of the forearm.
Applied to the foot, it generally implies movements resulting in raising of the medial margin of the foot, hence of the longitudinal arch.
1. A muscle, especially in the forearm, that supinates a hand or foot.
2. A muscle, especially in the forearm, that effects or assists supination.
2. A muscle, especially in the forearm, that effects or assists supination.
supine (adjective), more supine, most supine
1. Pertaining to an individual lying on his or her back and face or front up: William and Kate walked along the beach, past the rows of supine bodies soaking up the sun.
2. A reference to the palm of the hand turned upward: While visiting her sister in the big city, Janet saw a beggar on the sidewalk with an open and supine manual extension asking for some money.
3. Descriptive of a person's behavior as being inactive, passive, or inert; especially, from indolence or blameworthy indifference: Mark's mother was becoming very upset with his negligent and supine conduct by lounging around watching TV and not helping her with the big job of raking up the leaves in the garden.
4. Etymology: from Latin supinus, "turned or thrown backward, going backward or downward."

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2. A reference to the palm of the hand turned upward: While visiting her sister in the big city, Janet saw a beggar on the sidewalk with an open and supine manual extension asking for some money.
3. Descriptive of a person's behavior as being inactive, passive, or inert; especially, from indolence or blameworthy indifference: Mark's mother was becoming very upset with his negligent and supine conduct by lounging around watching TV and not helping her with the big job of raking up the leaves in the garden.
4. Etymology: from Latin supinus, "turned or thrown backward, going backward or downward."

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. In an indifferently supine manner.
2. If anyone is supine, it indicates weakness and willingness to accept the control of others: "The new director has introduced a series of changes against little opposition from the supine staff."
3. A description which exhibits indolent or apathetic inertia or passivity; especially, mentally or morally slack.
4. Carelessly; indolently; drowsily; in a heedless, thoughtless state.
2. If anyone is supine, it indicates weakness and willingness to accept the control of others: "The new director has introduced a series of changes against little opposition from the supine staff."
3. A description which exhibits indolent or apathetic inertia or passivity; especially, mentally or morally slack.
4. Carelessly; indolently; drowsily; in a heedless, thoughtless state.
1. Exhibiting indolent or apathetic inertia or passivity; especially, mentally or morally slack.
2. Inactive, idle, inert, passive, dormant, torpid, supine.
2. Inactive, idle, inert, passive, dormant, torpid, supine.
An obsolete term for supineness; inertness; sluggishness.
Sexually potent only when supine (lying on the back with the face upward).
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