bursa-, burso-, burs-
(Greek > Latin: bag, sac, saclike; purse)
Inflammation and thickening of the saclike cavities that are filled with fluid in the Achilles tendons; retrocalcaneobursitis: Dr. Jackson diagnosed Susan's foot that hurt her so much, and said that she had a case of achillobursitis, or a swelling and painfulness of the bursae, which should be treated immediately.
1. A stock exchange; especially, one that is located in a continental European city.
2. Etymology: from Old French borse, "money bag, purse" (12th century), from Medieval Latin bursa, "a bag".
2. Etymology: from Old French borse, "money bag, purse" (12th century), from Medieval Latin bursa, "a bag".
The French spelling and modern sense of "exchange for merchants" was first recorded in 1845, from the name of the Paris stock exchange.
The term bourse originated because in 13th century Bruges was the sign of a purse (or perhaps three purses) which was hung on the front of a house where merchants met to do business with each other.
In anatomy and medicine, a bodily cavity, especially one located between joints or at points of friction between moving structures; filled with a viscid fluid and situated at the various places in the tissues at which friction would otherwise develop.
Surgical removal of a bursa.
A bursa is a tissue space (fibrous sac) that is lined with synovial membrane (joint tissue) and contains a small quantity of synovial fluid (joint fluid).
Bursas are found in between the tendons and the bones, skin, and bone and muscles. They function to facilitate fluid movement.
Any disease of a bursa: Bursopathy concerns a sac or saclike cavity filled with a viscid [VIS id] or sticky fluid that is situated at places in the tissues at which friction would otherwise develop.
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