podo-, pod-, -poda, -pod, -pode, -podium, -podia, -podial, -podous, -pody

(Greek: foot, feet)

cryapodiu, (s) (noun), cryapodius; cryapodia (pl)
The condition of having cold feet: Lynn thought that she had case of cryapodia whenever she went barefoot out in the snow in winter, which wasn't a good idea at all!
In medicine, a swelling of the lower part of the leg and the foot, in such a manner that there is great distortion and the sole seems to be a flattened pad.
A condition in which one has high arches.
An animal with hairy or rough feet; such as, the armadillo.
1. A member of the Decapoda; a ten-footed crustacean; also, a ten-armed cephalopod.
2. A heavy-freight locomotive with ten driving wheels.
The highest order of Crustacea, having ten feet or legs; it includes the lobster, crab, cray-fish, shrimp, etc.
diplopodia (pl) (noun), diplopodias (pl)
Duplication of more than the normal number of digits of the foot or feet: James was born with six toes on each of his feet that included having two little ones on both of them instead of just one.
In medicine, a developmental anomaly involving complete or incomplete duplication of a foot.
dipody, dipodous, dipodic
A double foot; two feet.
Having long feet.
Total or partial absence of a foot.
In zoology, a muscular lobe developed from the lateral and upper surfaces of the foot of some molluscs.
A class of the phylum Mollusca that includes the snails, whelks, slugs, and limpets.
1. An organism having six legs; a true insect.
2. Having six legs.
3. In Robotics, a robot with six legs that can walk over an uneven surface.
Similar to podosomes; however, most researchers define podosomes as more dynamic than invadopodia and smaller; one to two micrometers in diameter compared to eight to ten micrometers.

Some researchers have suggested that podosomes form first and then mature into invadopodia, but no consesus exists among cell biologists, yet.

Feetlike structures aid the necessary migrations of immune and other cells, but they also include the deadly wanderings of cancer cells because they exploit the same ambulatory skills to spread.

—"Podosomes and Invadopodia Help Mobile Cells Step Lively" by Jean Marx; Science, June 30, 2006; pages 1868-1869.

Related "foot, feet" units: melo-; ped-; planta-; -pus.