Quotes: Quotations Units
(significant quotations about various topics)
Quotes: Politics, Politicians
People who have the gift of gab and the gift of grab: politician quotes.
Quotes: Procrastination
Art of taking a long time to start to begin to get ready to commence: procrastination quotes.
Quotes: Prophecy, Prophets
Something people get tired of hearing someone say, "I told you it would happen.": prophetic quotes.
Quotes: Puns, Part 1
A form of word humor when people fiddle with words and laugh at the resultant loony tunes: pun quotes.
Quotes: Puns, Part 2
A form of word humor when people fiddle with words and laugh at the resultant loony tunes: pun quotes.
Quotes: Quizzes and Tests
World's easiest quiz: quiz quotes.
Quotes: Quotations, Quoting
Passages repeated or reproduced from a statement by someone; sometimes correctly: quoting quotes.
Quotes: Refugee
Results of special attractions: immigration quotes.
Quotes: Research, Inquiry
The patient study of the misjudgments and misstatements of others: research quotes.
Quotes: Science, Scientists
Scientists are people who prolong life so other people will have time to pay for the gadgets that are invented by them: science quotes.
Quotes: Self-Control
What a bachelor loses when he gets married: self-control quotes.
Quotes: Signs of the Times
Signs that too often depict misinformation: signs of times quotes.
Quotes: Silence, Quiet
Signs that too often depict misinformation: silence quotes.
Quotes: Solitude
Being alone either by choice or by circumstances: solitude quotes.
Quotes: Spelling
Being stung my a spelling bee: spelling quotes.