Calendar, March New Style
(March, today's dates — the Roman way)
Martius, A.U.C. 2755, A.D. 2002
The dates displayed on this site are essentially based on the format shown by Roman calendars (Julian or Old Style) and are adapted to the Gregorian (New Style) calendars in use by most of the world today in an effort to show the transitions from those historical calendar styles that express the continuity of past and present dates; such as, (Norse-Latin) day-name information and (Roman) month names.
This month of Martius (third month), shows the Latin names of the months and the Anglo-Saxon (Norse mythological) names for the days of the week, and the Roman-Gregorian numbers for the years.
The phases of the moon shown in this calendar are based on Universal Time (UT), or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), which refers to the mean solar time at the Greenwich meridian adopted as the standard time in a zone that includes the British Isles. The Greenwich meridian is the prime meridian that passes through the former Royal Observatory at Greenwich. It was adopted internationally as the zero of longitude in 1884.
Martius mensis
Arabic | Roman | Roman | Anglo-Saxon | English |
Day | Day | Week | Week | Week |
Numbers | Names | Days | Days | Days |
1 | Calends | dies Veneris | Frigedaeg | Friday |
2 | VI ad Nones | dies Saturni | Saterndaeg | Saturday |
3 | V ad Nones | dies solis | sunnandaeg | Sunday |
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waning | gibbous | moon | |
4 | IV ad Nones | dies lunae | monandaeg | Monday |
5 | III ad Nones | dies Martis | Tiwesdaeg | Tuesday |
6 | Pridie Nones | dies Mercurii | Wodensdaeg | Wednesday |
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last | quarter | moon | |
7 | Nones | dies Jovis | Thursdaeg | Thursday |
8 | VIII ad Ides | dies Veneris | Friegedaeg | Friday |
9 | VII ad Ides | dies Saturni | Saterndaeg | Saturday |
10 | VI ad Ides | dies solis | sunnandaeg | Sunday |
![]() |
waning | crescent | moon | |
11 | V ad Ides | dies lunae | monandaeg | Monday |
12 | IV ad Ides | dies Martis | Tiwesdaeg | Tuesday |
13 | III ad Ides | dies Mercurii | Wodensdaeg | Wednesday |
14 | Pridie Ides | dies Jovis | Thursdaeg | Thursday |
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new | moon | ||
15 | Ides | dies Veneris | Frigedaeg | Friday |
16 | XVII ad Apr. Cal. | dies Saturni | Saterndaeg | Saturday |
17 | XVI ad Apr. Cal. | dies solis | sunnandaeg | Sunday |
18 | XV ad Apr. Cal. | dies lunae | monandaeg | Monday |
![]() |
waxing | crescent | moon | |
19 | XIV ad Apr. Cal. | dies Martis | Tiwesdaeg | Tuesday |
20 | XIII ad Apr. Cal. | dies Mercurii | Wodensdaeg | Wednesday |
21 | XII ad Apr. Cal. | dies Jovis | Thursdaeg | Thursday |
22 | XI ad Apr. Cal. | dies Veneris | Frigedaeg | Friday |
![]() |
first | quarter | moon | |
23 | X ad Apr. Cal. | dies Saturni | Saterndaeg | Saturday |
24 | IX ad Apr. Cal. | dies solis | sunnandaeg | Sunday |
25 | VIII ad Apr. Cal. | dies lunae | monandaeg | Monday |
![]() |
waxing | gibbous | moon | |
26 | VII ad Apr. Cal. | dies Martis | Tiwesdaeg | Tuesday |
27 | VI ad Apr. Cal. | dies Mercurii | Wodensdaeg | Wednesday |
28 | V ad Apr. Cal. | dies Jovis | Thursdaeg | Thursday |
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full | moon | ||
29 | IV ad Apr. Cal. | dies Veneris | Frigedaeg | Friday |
30 | III ad Apr. Cal. | dies Saturnis | Saterndaeg | Saturday |
31 | Pridie Apr. Cal. | dies solis | sunnandaeg | Sunday |
January, 2002 | February, 2002 | March, 2002 | April, 2002 |
May, 2002 | June, 2002 | July, 2002 | August, 2002 |
September, 2002 | October, 2002 | November, 2002 | December, 2002 |
Six Roman Calendars, from King Romulus to Pope Gregory XIII |