blep-, -blepsia +

(Greek: look, see; sight, seeing, vision; a condition of sight or vision)

ablepsia (s) (noun) (no plural)
1. Loss of sight; literally, "not seeing": A trained seeing eye dog is useful if a person suffers from ablepsia.
2. Blindness, unable to see: Because Dan's mother experienced ablepsia, she is using a white cane to help her get around safely in the community.
Lack of sight; blindness.
Lacking vision or sight; blindness.
ableptical (noun), more ableptical, most ableptical
Relating to, or a reference to, blindness or a lack of vision; ableptic: Dr. Small told Lynn about the ableptical symptoms that would appear in the later development of her condition of AMD.
The inability to discern blue colors.
anablepophobia (s) (noun), anablepophobias (pl)
An excessive apprehensiveness of looking up at high places: Generally those who have anablepophobias avoid glancing up at the tops of tall buildings in cities and at the tops of mountains while in the country.

Anyone with an anablepophobia can become overwhelmingly uncomfortable and shaken, sometimes having symptoms associated with panic attacks, such as palpitations, sweating, dizziness, and difficulty in breathing.

Snow blindness (affected with blindness by the abnormal brightness of snow).
The temporary impairment of vision resulting from looking at a bright object.
1. A condition in which vision is better, or is more distinct, when only one eye is used; but there is confusion when both eyes are used.
2. A variety of color blindness in which only one color is perceived.
Reduced vision due to reduced transparency of the cornea; also nephelopia.
Snow blindness; a temporary visual loss due to corneal epithelial damage by ultraviolet light reflected from the surface of snow.
The inability to look someone in the eye, or not looking into another person's eyes, while speaking.
oxyblepsia (s) (noun), oxyblepsias (pl)
Acuteness of sight; sharp-sightedness: Jack's vision was extremely good because he could detect small objects in the far distance, and his ophthalmologist termed him as having oxyblepsia. due to an increased sensibility of the retina.
parablepsia, parablepsy
1. Abnormality of one's vision; such as, visual illusions or hallucinations.
2. False vision.
1. A visual disorder in which objects appear distorted or unreal.
2. False or imaginary vision, or visual hallucination; especially, those in which objects appear different or unreal.

Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "appear, visible, visual, manifest, show, see, reveal, look": delo-; demonstra-; opt-; -orama; pare-; phanero-; phant-; pheno-; scopo-; spec-; vela-, veal-; video-, visuo-.