bib-, bibi-

(Latin: drink, to drink)

aquabib (s) (noun), aquabibs (pl)
An individual who only drinks water: Shirley was never much of an aquabib because she usually preferred harder libations.

Some say Henry's an aquabib because they think he is addicted to water because he never drinks any other kind of liquid.

beverage (s) (noun), beverages (pl)
1. Any potable (drinkable) liquid, especially one other than water, as tea, coffee, beer, or milk: The price of the meal includes a beverage, but not wine or liquor.
2. Entymology: from Anglo-French beverage, from Old French bevre, "to drink" from Latin bibere, "to imbibe".
bib, bibs
1. Any one of various liquids for drinking, usually excluding water.
2. To drink moderately but regularly.
3. To drink; to sip; to tipple.

Non-drinking forms of bib

1. A piece of cloth or plastic secured under the chin and worn, especially by small children, to protect their clothing while eating.
2. The part of an apron or pair of overalls worn over the chest.
3. Bibbed overalls worn while skiing.
4. A piece of cloth or plastic bearing a number, usually worn over the chest or back, identifying a competitor in a skiing race.
bibacious (adjective), more bibacious, most bibacious
Addicted to drinking alcohol: Tom's uncle was certainly disposed consuming an excess of beer and was quite bibacious when watching soccer games on TV.
bibacity (s) (noun), bibacities (pl)
The practice or habit of drinking too much; tippling: Sam and his friends always got together at the local bar on Saturday nights where they were known for their love of beer and their bibacity.
The act of bibbing.
A steady drinker; tippler; usually used in combination with the kind of drink: winebibber, beerbibber, etc.
Someone who regularly drinks alcoholic beverages.
Drinking or indulging in drinking.
bibbler, bibler, bibbeler
A great drinker; a tippler.
1. Boozing, drinking, drunkenness, quaffing, tippling.
2. Dabbling with the bill like a duck drinking.
1. A baby's feeding bottle.
2. A drinking-vessel with elongated spout, formerly used by travellers, invalids, and children.
An excessively earnest desire to drink.
bibitory (adjective), more bibitory, most bibitory
Of or pertaining to drinking or tippling.

Related "drink" units: dipso-; haust-; nectar-; poto-.