coalesc-, coalit- +
(Latin > Medieval Latin > French: growing together, merging, combining, uniting)
coalesce (verb), coalesces; coalesced; coalescing
1. To merge or cause things to merge into a single body or group; to fuse: The different colors in Margaret’s artistic painting coalesced very well, blending into each other beautifully.
2. To come together so as to form a whole; unite: The rebel units coalesced into one army to fight the invaders.
2. To come together so as to form a whole; unite: The rebel units coalesced into one army to fight the invaders.
1. The union of diverse things into one body or form or group; the growing together of parts: The coalescence of all the members of the family at Christmas was fantastic because they hadn’t seen each other in such a long time.
2. The act or state of growing together, as with similar parts; the act of uniting by natural affinity or attraction; the state of being united; union; concretion: After their coalescence of getting married, Jack and Jill soon had children making their coalescence even more significant!
2. The act or state of growing together, as with similar parts; the act of uniting by natural affinity or attraction; the state of being united; union; concretion: After their coalescence of getting married, Jack and Jill soon had children making their coalescence even more significant!
coalescent (adjective), more coalescent, most coalescent
1. A reference to that which grows or fuses together.
2 Descriptive of something that has grown, united, or come together so as to form a whole.
2 Descriptive of something that has grown, united, or come together so as to form a whole.
coalite, coalites, coalited, coaliting (verb forms)
1. To unite, grow together, to fuse, or to coalesce.
2. To cause to unite, to come together so as to form one whole, or to coalesce.
2. To cause to unite, to come together so as to form one whole, or to coalesce.
1. An alliance, especially a temporary one, of people, factions, parties, or nations: The two countries formed a coalition because of the financial advantages for both of their economies.
2. An organization of people or countries that are involved in a pact or treaty; an alliance: The two nations agreed on peace and formed a coalition to strengthen their policies.
3. A combination into one body; a union: The two parties formed a coalition to govern the country.
4. The state of being combined into one body: The coalition of different animal protection groups has an important part in the politics of the country.
5. The union of diverse things into one body, form, or group; the growing together of parts: Many teachers, businessmen, doctors, and parents formed a coalition because they all had the same objectives to help develop a youth club for the children in their city.
6. Etymology: borrowed from Latin coalescere, "to grow together"; from co-, "together" + alescere, "to grow up".

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2. An organization of people or countries that are involved in a pact or treaty; an alliance: The two nations agreed on peace and formed a coalition to strengthen their policies.
3. A combination into one body; a union: The two parties formed a coalition to govern the country.
4. The state of being combined into one body: The coalition of different animal protection groups has an important part in the politics of the country.
5. The union of diverse things into one body, form, or group; the growing together of parts: Many teachers, businessmen, doctors, and parents formed a coalition because they all had the same objectives to help develop a youth club for the children in their city.
6. Etymology: borrowed from Latin coalescere, "to grow together"; from co-, "together" + alescere, "to grow up".

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
A coalitionist or someone who makes a combination or alliance; especially, a temporary one between people, factions, states, etc.
The idea, principle, or policy of favoring or supporting the concept of coalition or a specific coalition; especially, in politics.
1. Someone who strives to have an alliance of people, factions, parties, or nations.
2. Someone who works to combine people into one body or union.
2. Someone who works to combine people into one body or union.
Electrification Coalition
Mission Statement: A nonpartisan, not-for-profit group of business leaders committed to promoting policies and actions that facilitate the deployment of electric vehicles on a mass scale in order to combat the economic, environmental, and national security dangers caused by our nation's dependence on petroleum.
The Coalition seeks to achieve its goals through a combination of public policy research and the education of policymakers, opinion leaders, and the public.
Equipped with exceptional research and analysis, these prominent business executives bring credibility, insight, and objectivity to the debate over electrification.
electrostatic coalescence
1. The coalescence of cloud drops (merging of two or more water drops into a single larger drop) resulting from the electrostatic attractions between drops of opposite charges.
2. The coalescence of two cloud or rain drops brought about by polarization effects resulting from an external electric field.
2. The coalescence of two cloud or rain drops brought about by polarization effects resulting from an external electric field.
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