senso-, sens-, sensi-, sensori-, sent-
(Latin: feeling, perception through physical awareness; to discern or detect by touch, smell, taste, sight, hearing, etc.)
The words in this list refer either to physical or mental perceptions, or a combination of both of them.
1. Permission or approval: Joe had his mother's consent to stay out later when at his friend's birthday party.
2. Agreement in opinion or feeling: Sarah asked her father for his advice and consent about majoring in computer science at college.
2. Agreement in opinion or feeling: Sarah asked her father for his advice and consent about majoring in computer science at college.
consent (verb), consents; consented; consenting
To give permission, approval, or assent in opinion; to agree to do something: Mrs. Jones was told that her supervisor consented to her leaving work early on Tuesday so she could take care of some family issues.
consentient (adjective), more consentient, most consentient
Relating to a complete or harmonious agreement about some action or proposal: When Manfred discussed the possibility of running for the political office of governor of his state, his family and friends all enthusiastically expressed their consentient approval and support.

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consentiently (adverb), more consentiently, most consentiently
Conveying how an opinion or a viewpoint about an issue or a proposal to do something is unanimous: There was consentiently enthusiastic support for an increase in salaries for the employees by the managers of the three manufacturing companies.
In medicine, to make (a person, animal, or tissue) nonreactive or nonallergic to a substance by removing the antibodies from affected cells or tissues: In an effort to control his allergies, Jason and the doctor went through a process of desensitization to eliminate the antibodies that were causing his sneezing.
desensitize (verb), desensitizes; desensitized; desensitizing
To decrease one's physical sensation or feeling, to deaden, or to anesthetize parts of the body: The doctor was desensitizing Jim's arm before removing the lump that was causing him so much pain.
A difference of opinion, a quarrel, or a dispute: There was a lot of dissension which included derogatory accusations by the two politicians who were running for mayor of the city.

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Dissension is said to be the difference between the man who knows it all and the other man who knows it all OR it’s an argumentative debate to which one can contribute either light or heat, but not both.
It is one of the commonest of mistakes to consider that the limit of our power of perception is also the limit of all there is to perceive.

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A public difference of opinion, decision, or judgement: The jury could not reach a verdict because there was too much dissent among them.
dissent (verb), dissents; dissented; dissenting
To differ in beliefs, feelings, or opinions about something: Martin was told that if his parents dissent, he won't be able to go on the trip.
Anyone who refuses to accept the authority, doctrine, or usages of an established church: Some Protestant dissenters opposed the direction in which the Church of England was going in terms of its major policies and practices.
Those who are opposed to or have a contrary point of view of what other people think about an issue: There were several dissentients against the vote which would increase the salary of the local mayor.
dissentient (adjective), more dissentient, most dissentient
Characteristic of an opposition to, or not supportive of, a majority position or voice on a matter: Those voting NO represented the dissentient voice of the minority during the lengthy arguments for a new bridge over the river that was being presented in the assembly hall.
dissenting (adjective), more dissenting, most dissenting
Pertaining to a disagreement regarding an action or an opinion, etc.: The dissenting congress would not agree with the proposals made by the President.
dissentious (adjective), more dissentious, most dissentious
A reference to a person who causes discord; regarding a quarrelsome and uncooperative individual: The more dissentious members of the crowd were yelling and becoming more disruptive, so the chairperson of the debate had to call for order and quiet several times.
dissentiously (adverb), more dissentiously, most dissentiously
Characteristic of an individual who is disagreeable and arguing, or not getting along with another person or a group of people: The crowd in the hall were arranged on opposite sides of the aisle and each group was becoming more dissentiously disruptive than the other one as the speakers presented their views.
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Related-word units meaning feeling: aesth-; pass-, pati-; patho-.