iso-, is-
(Greek: equal; by extension: same, similar, alike; normally used as a prefix)
Used in numerous terms, nearly all scientific; denoting: equality, similarity, uniformity, or identity; the second element being properly and usually of Greek origin, rarely of Latin [the proper prefix in the latter case being equi-]. In biology, denoting for or from different individuals of the same species). For a large list of iso- opposites or antonyms, see aniso-.
Removed from one individual and transplanted to another of the same species, as a graft.
isopleth (s), isopleths (pl)
1. Equal in quantity: "An isopleth can be a line, on a chart, showing equal quantities, conditions, or frequencies of any phenomenon in its relation to two independent coordinates."
2. Lines on a map that join geographical points which have the same value for a particular continuous variable.
2. Lines on a map that join geographical points which have the same value for a particular continuous variable.
A line on a chart drawn through geographical points having the same rain or precipitation: Gerhard studied the isopluvials on the map, preparing his geography lesson about rainfall in central and southern Europe.
Isopoda, isopod
In zoology, a small invertebrate animal with a flattened body and seven pairs of legs, usually of equal size and form with each pair attached to a segment of the thorax. Sow bugs are isopods, but most are marine. Order: Isopoda.
isopogonous (adjective), more isopogonous, most isopogonous
1. Referring to feathers that have the two webs (inner and outer) equal and similar.
2. Etymology: from Greek iso-, "equal, same" + pogono, "beard".
2. Etymology: from Greek iso-, "equal, same" + pogono, "beard".
Equality of rights of citizenship; equality of civil rights.
isopor, isoporic
A line (either imaginary or on a map) connecting points at which equal annual changes in some parameter of the earth’s magnetic field are observed.
A colorless volatile-liquid compound obtained by the dry distillation of raw rubber.
With pygidium and cephalon of equal size; such as, trilobites.
Equality of intake and output of water; maintenance of water equilibrium.
1. Designating a triangle with two equal sides or legs.
2. A description of a trapezoid (quadrilateral that has two parallel sides) in which the two nonparallel sides are of equal length.
2. A description of a trapezoid (quadrilateral that has two parallel sides) in which the two nonparallel sides are of equal length.
isoseismal, isoseismic
1. Connecting points on a map at which the intensity of an earthquake-shock is the same.
2. A line connecting points at which the intensity of an earthquake was felt equally or a line on a chart or map connecting points of equal earthquake intensity.
2. A line connecting points at which the intensity of an earthquake was felt equally or a line on a chart or map connecting points of equal earthquake intensity.
1. Relating to the existence of characteristics or feelings of both sexes in one person.
2. Descriptive of an individual’s somatic characteristics, or of processes occurring within, that are consonant with the sex of that individual.
2. Descriptive of an individual’s somatic characteristics, or of processes occurring within, that are consonant with the sex of that individual.
A line on a chart of equal magnitude of vertical wind shear.
A state of equilibrium or balance between forces which exist inside the Earth's crust: The term isostasy was invented by Clarence Dutton, an American geologist, in 1882, and explains how different topographic elevations can prevail on the surface of the Earth.