gamo-, gam-, -gamy, -gamous +

(Greek: marriage, union; wedding; pertaining to sexual union)

adelphogamy (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. A form of polyandry in which two or more brothers have or share the same wife, or wives: In the newspaper article, Nancy read about a mother who seemingly was wedded to two men who were brothers, termed adelphogamy, and had children with them as well.
2. The marriage of a brother and sister to each other: In the magazine there was an article about the son and daughter of one set of parents that lived in adelphogamy, which soon came to public attention.
3. In zoology, mating of brothers and sisters: Adelphogamy seemingly happens with certain kinds of ants.
4. In botany, fertilization between two different individuals derived vegetatively from the same parent plant: Adelphogamy takes place in some species of fungi and flowering plants.
1. A mature reproductive cell that does not fuse with another to form a zygote; a noncopulating germ cell.
2. An asexual reproductive cell that progresses directly into an adult as a spore.
agamic (adjective) (not comparative)
1. A reference to nonsexual reproduction, as by fission, budding, etc.: Some species reproduce without sexual unions or by germinating without impregnation; such as, agamic or unfertilized eggs.
2. A reference to organisms in which all individuals reproduce asexually: Agamic sponges can reproduce by simply fragmenting their bodies and each small portion grows and produces to a new sponge.

In agamic reproduction, the offspring are usually genetically identical to their parents.

Most of unicellular yeast-fungi result from agamic reproduction that takes place by cell fission or the formation of a small cell from a part of a larger one.

An unmarried person.
A local interbreeding population of predominantly asexually reproducing individuals.
The production of offspring otherwise than by the union of parents of distinct sexes (as by the simple division of a pre-existent living being, or the formation of buds, that become independent living beings); asexual reproduction.
Asexual reproduction by development of a new individual from a single cell, following binary or multiple fission, or budding.
A reference to a plant having female and neuter flowers in the same inflorescence.
agamous (adjective) (not comparative)
Characteristic of not involving the fusion of male and female gametes in reproduction: Agamous male or female cells do not unite with cells of the opposite sex to produce zygotes which are the fertilized eggs that have only just started developing and are not yet embryos which can develop into embryos and then babies.
agamy (s) (noun), agamies (pl)
1. Absence or nonrecognition of the marriage relation or no marriage: There are some people who believe in agamy which is the rejection of any requirement that marriage is necessary.
2. In biology, having no distinguishable sexual organs; asexual: There are species of agamy that reproduce by the process in which a cell divides into two or more parts.
3. In botany, a reference to all flowerless and seedless plants that reproduce by means of spores: The agamies of plants consist of ferns and algae which do not bear flowers or seeds but reproduce with the scattering of cells that propagate or develop new organisms.
allogamous (adjective) (not comparable)
In botany, regarding cross fertilization: A allogamous situation takes place by cross-pollination among flowering plants
allogamy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Cross-fertilization in plants: The creation of a new plant by cross-pollination involving the physical union of male and female gametes is termed allogamy.

Allogamy is the fertilization of the ova of one individual by the spermatozoa of another.

Marriage between a young woman and an older man.
1. Marriage between an older woman and a much younger man.
2. A marriage in which there is a considerable age difference between partners, a woman being the older partner.
3. Etymology: From Latin anilis, "an old woman" plus juvenis, "a youth" or "young man" plus Greek -gamy "marriage".
—Coined by Charles Harrington Elster in his book:
There's a Word for It!; Scribner, Simon & Schuster, Inc; page 85, 1996.