
(Greek: bad, harsh, wrong; ill; hard to do, difficult at; slow of; disordered; impaired, defective)

Unfavorable speech; censure or disapproval, condemnation or blame; adverse criticism.
dysmasesis (s), dysmaseses (pl) (nouns)
Difficulty in chewing.
The inability to visualize correctly the size of objects.

They appear larger than they really are.

1. Congenital deformity or absence of a portion of one or more limbs of the body.
2. Congenital abnormality characterized by missing or foreshortened limbs, sometimes with associated spine abnormalities; caused by metabolic disturbance at the time of primordial limb development.
Difficult or painful menstration.
Difficult and painful menstruation. Synonym: menorrhalgia.
dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhoea (British)
1. Difficult and painful menstruation. Synonym: menorrhalgia.
2. Pain in association with menstruation.

One of the most frequent gynecological disorders, it is classified as primary or secondary. This disorder is the greatest single cause of absence from school and work among menstrual-age women.

Pseudodementia or pseudoimbecility, based primarily on psychological factors.
1. The inability to fix the range of a movement in muscular activity.

Rapid and brusque movements are made with more force than necessary.

2. The inability, in the performance of a movement, to judge direction and distance, seen particularly when the patient attempts to touch his nose or the examiner’s finger with his finger, or his knee with his heel.

The movement, while generally in the right direction, either veers to the side of the target or overshoots (hypermetria).

The inability to visualize correctly the size and shape of things.
1. Inability to express oneself by gestures or signs.
2. Inability to imitate.
dysmnesia (s) (noun) (no plural)
Any impairment of memory, as having a bad memory: Lynn's grandmother was getting very old and suffered from dysmnesia because she had difficulties telling her grandchildren about her experiences as a young lady!
dysmorphia (s), dysmorphias (pl)
An abnormality of shape or size, usually of developmental origin.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "bad, wrong": caco-, kako-; mal-; mis-; pessim-; sceler-.

Cross references directly, or indirectly, involving "slow, slowness, slow of, sluggish": lent-; tard-.