cryo-, cry-, kryo-, kry-

(Greek: cold, very cold, freezing; used to describe the effects of low temperatures or activities carried on at a very low temperature)

cryalgesia, crymodynia (s) (noun); cryalgesias; crymodynias (pl)
Pain caused by cold: Old Mr. Grant had to be careful of freezing weather because he tended to be effected by cryalgesia in just a short time.
cryanalgesia, cryanalgia (s) (noun) (no pl)
The relief of pain by application of cold with a surgical instrument (a cryoprobe) to peripheral nerves: Mr. Black experienced cryanalgesia after being treated with liquid nitrogen in order to destroy the tissue on the spot on his arm.
cryanesthesia (s) (noun), cryanesthesias (pl)
1. The inability to perceive cold: Yvonne always carried an extra pair of mittens during the winter months because she always suffered from cryanesthesia and was never sure if she were actually cold.
2. Loss of the perception of cold, as during hypothermia or from the application of certain freezing compounds: By the time Sally, the lost hiker, was found, she was suffering from cryanesthesia and required medical attention.

A condition of cryanesthesia may also involve the intentional application of cold, such as with liquid nitrogen, to produce anesthesia for a short term operation, as with the lancing of a boil, removal of a nevus (a mole or birthmark), cosmetic "sandpapering" of the skin, etc.

cryapodiu, (s) (noun), cryapodius; cryapodia (pl)
The condition of having cold feet: Lynn thought that she had case of cryapodia whenever she went barefoot out in the snow in winter, which wasn't a good idea at all!
cryesthesia, cryaesthesia (s) (noun); cryesthesias; cryaesthesias (pl)
A sensation or an abnormal pathological sensitivity to cold: Rodney had a such a severe cryesthesia that he always stayed home as much as possible with the heaters turned up during the winter.
cryoablation (s) (noun), cryoablations (pl)
A procedure in which extreme cold is applied to a tumor using a cryoprobe), a hollow needle-like device filled with argon gas which quickly freezes the targeted tumor: Cryoablation appears to be an effective treatment for cancerous kidney tumors, however follow-up studies are needed before the procedure can be widely applied, according to Thomas Atwell, M.D., a Mayo Clinic radiologist and the study's primary investigator.

The general criteria for cryoablation includes the size and appearance of the tumor and the number of lesions in the kidney.

For patients who undergo surgery, the hospital stay and recovery period are longer as compared to patients treated with cryoablation because patients who undergo cryoablation will have small quarter inch incision where the cryoprobe is inserted and the mark is covered with a bandage and recovery usually amounts to one day in a hospital, as compared to several days for patients who undergo surgery.

"A review of 62 Mayo Clinic patients who underwent cryoablation to treat cancerous kidney tumors shows that the patients are cancer free for up to two and a half years after having had the procedure".

—Compiled from information located at, science, physics, tech, nano news;
Source: Mayo Clinic; November 25, 2007.
cryoablution (s) (noun), cryoablutions (pl)
1. The removal of a body part, such as a wart, by freezing: Some people need cryoablutions by a doctor to get rid of undesirable warts which are local growths on the outer layer of the skin which is caused by a virus.
2. Etymology: the transliteration of cryoablution is "freeze bath" or "freeze wash" and is performed with special instruments for local freezing of diseased tissues without any significant harm to normal adjacent structures.
cryoadsorption (s) (noun), cryoadsorptions (pl)
The storage of a material; such as, hydrogen, by means of carbon adsorption at low temperatures:

Adsorption is the accumulation of gases, liquids, or solutes on the surface of a solid or liquid.

cryoanesthesia (noun), cryoanesthesias (pl)
A local loss of sensation that is produced by applying a tourniquet and chilling an area to a near-freezing temperature: Cryoanesthesia is used to diminish the neural sensitivity to pain during brief minor surgical procedures.
cryobank (s) (noun), cryobanks (pl)
A facility for freezing and preserving semen and body tissues at low temperatures: Cryobanks are usually used to immerse substances from a person's body in liquid nitrogen at -196.5 degrees Centigrade.
cryobiologist (s) (noun), cryobiologists (pl)
A specialist in the effects of low temperatures on biological systems: Tom wanted to become a cryobiologist after his studies in biology and learn more about the consequences of low temperatures on different forms of life.
cryobiology (s) (noun) (no pl)
The study of the effects of low temperatures on living organisms or biological systems: Cryobiology deals especially with warm-blooded animals.

Cryobiology is the science of life and its constituents below the normal living temperature, including very low temperatures (below -80 degrees Centigrade).

cryobiosis (s) (noun) (no pl)
In physiology, the continuance of bodily functions at low temperatures: Cryobiosis sets in when the fluid encompassing the cells of an organism has been frozen.
cryobirth (s) (noun), cryobirths (pl)
The birth of an organism from a frozen embryo: There has been much speculation regarding cryobirths and the possibility of of sever damage to the newborn organism due to the effects of freezing and thawing.
cryocapsule (s) (noun), cryocapsules (pl)
Usually a fiberglass-stainless steel capsule (tank) where a "deanimated" body is placed for cryonic storage: In the science-fiction book Jack was reading, a cryocapsule, like a coffin, was used to keep a the astronaut in suspended animation.

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Cross references of word families that are related directly or indirectly to "winter, freezing, frost, and/or cold": algid- (cold, chilly); cheimo-, chimo- (winter, cold); crymo-, krymo- (cold, chill, frost); frigo-, frig- (cold, frost); gel-, gelati- (freeze, frost, congeal); hiber- (winter, wintry); pago- (cold, freezing); psychro- (cold); rhigo- (cold, frost; shiver).