andro-, andr-, -ander, -andra, -andria, -andrian, -andric, -andrism, -androus, -andries, -andry
(Greek: man, men, male, masculine; also, stamen or anther as used in botany)
androidal (adjective), more androidal, most androidal
Similar to a robot that looks like a man or which has some features that resemble a man; manlike: According to the fictional story, a mad scientist created an androidal creature in his secret laboratory which resembled a human form and that responded to electrical signals directing it to perform what the controller wanted it to do.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
Actually, the cartoon does not present an androidal creature. See the following links so you can see the distinctions between the following humanoid robots.
androids, gynoids, neuteroids
Three genders that are descriptive of robots having the physical characteristics of males, females, and those that do not have the features of males nor females.
There are distinctions between androids, gynoids and neuteroids; all of which are humanoids, of course:
There is also a list of links about robots that make some distinctions at robots
1. A custom whereby according to Athenian law, if a citizen were killed abroad, and his death unatoned for, three subjects of the offending country were seized as reprisals.
2. The taking by one nation of the citizens or subjects of another, in order to compel the latter to do justice to the former.
2. The taking by one nation of the citizens or subjects of another, in order to compel the latter to do justice to the former.
Doctors who specialize in men's health, aging problems, or in treating infertile men: "Andrologists have been tending to men's health woes for decades."
andrology (s) (noun)
1. The branch of medicine concerned with diseases peculiar to the male sex, particularly infertility and sexual dysfunction.
2. Scientific study of the masculine constitution and of the diseases of the male gender; especially, the study of diseases of the male organs of generation or reproductive systems.
2. Scientific study of the masculine constitution and of the diseases of the male gender; especially, the study of diseases of the male organs of generation or reproductive systems.
Nymphomania or an abnormal, excessive, insatiable sexual desire in the female for a man.
andromaniac (adjective), more andromaniac, most andromaniac
An excess of sexual behavior or desire in a woman for a man.
Painfulness of the male breast, especially at puberty: Max was entering puberty and experienced andromasalgia of his chest, but his parents said that that would pass soon.
A poisonous crystalline substance found in various ericaceous plants; especially, the genus Andromeda [a genus of shrubs of which one dwarf herb-like species is native to Britain and others to North America].
An embryo that develops from the portion of an egg containing the male pronucleus. The embryo therefore only contains paternally derived chromosomes.
The development of an andromerogone.
1. Male characteristics; having a masculinizing effect; simulating the action of androgen.
2. The state of a woman who lives full-time as a man. Unlike transvestic fetishism, in which cross-dressing appears episodically because it is required for erotic arousal and orgasm, the anderomimetic adopts the male role and appearance full-time and may undergo hormonal masculinization, hysterectomy, breast removal, or full sex-reassignment surgery.
2. The state of a woman who lives full-time as a man. Unlike transvestic fetishism, in which cross-dressing appears episodically because it is required for erotic arousal and orgasm, the anderomimetic adopts the male role and appearance full-time and may undergo hormonal masculinization, hysterectomy, breast removal, or full sex-reassignment surgery.
The counterpart of andromimesis in the male is gynemimesis.
A paraphilia [a psychosexual disorder characterized by recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies] in which sexual arousal and orgasm are dependent on the subject being the partner of a male impersonator.
andromonoecious, andromonoecism
In botany, having male and hermaphrodite flowers on the same plant.
andromorphic, andromorphy
Having a morphological (shape, form) resembling males.

Links to other units that include the topic of "man", "mankind":