aero-, aer-, aeri-

(Greek: air, mist, wind)

aerodynamic (adjective), more aerodynamic, most aerodynamic
Regarding the reduction or minimization of the drag when flying through air: The wings and bodies of airplanes have an aerodynamic shape.
aerodynamic drag (s) (noun), aerodynamic drags (pl)
The opposing force encountered by a body moving relative to a fluid: An example of an aerodynamic drag can be the displacement of or resistance to air in the path of a flying airplane.
aerodynamics (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. The field of dynamics that deals with air and other gases in motion, the forces that set them in motion, and the results of such motions: Aerodynamics is the study of the effects of air in motion on an object, either on objects moving through air, such as aircrafts or automobiles, or stationary objects affected by moving air, for example bridges or tall buildings.

The two primary forces in aerodynamics are lift and drag.

"Lift" refers to, usually upward, forces perpendicular to the direction of motion of an object traveling through the air. For example, airplane wings are designed so that their movement through the air creates an area of low pressure above the wing and an area of high pressure beneath it. The pressure difference produces the lift needed for flight which is typical of "airfoil" design.

"Drag" forces are parallel and opposite to the object's direction of motion and are caused largely by friction.

Large wings can create a significant amount of lift, but they do so at the expense of generating a great deal of drag. Extended "spoilers" on aircraft wings make the the wings capable of high lift even at low speeds, so low landing speeds can still provide enough lift for a gentle "touchdown".

aerodyne (s) (noun), aerodynes (pl)
Any aircraft that is heavier than air and derives its lift chiefly from aerodynamic forces: An aerodyne can be any kind of "heavier-than-air" flying machine that gets it lift from movement.
aeroelastic (adjective), more aeroelastic, most aeroelastic
Pertaining to, or resulting from aerodynamic forces: Tests are sometimes necessary to determine the aeroelastic stress on buildings.
aeroelasticity (s) (noun), aeroelasticities (pl)
The scientific field regarding the effect of aerodynamic loads or weights on structures: Jack's father was a specialist in the area of aeroelasticity and gave speeches on how aerodynamic forces caused distortion as from bending in buildings or of airplane wings.
aeroembolism (s) (noun), aeroembolisms (pl)
An embolism formed by air bubbles in the blood or tissues: Aeroembolism results from the admission of air bubbles in the blood.

Aeroembolism can accidentally occur during surgery by a hypodermic injection or from a rapid change in pressure, also known as "decompression sickness".

aeroemphysema (s) (noun) (no pl)
Pulmonary emphysema and edema with collection of nitrogen bubbles in the tissues of the lung: Aeroemphysema is due to excessively rapid atmospheric decompression, for example in an inadequately pressurised airplane.
aerogastria (s) (noun), aerogastrias (pl)
1. The presence of gas in the stomach; Aerogastria is also known as "blocked" aerogastria which is caused when the lower esophagus, the canal that connects the throat to the stomach, prevents belching.
2. Distention of the stomach with gas: When Jane complained of having stomach pains, Dr. Thompson examined her and diagnosed her as having a condition of aerogastria in which bubbles expanded her stomach causing it to be painful.
aerogel (s) (noun), aerogels (pl)
A highly porous solid formed from a gel, such as silica gel, in which the liquid is replaced with a gas; frozen smoke: Aerogel is an extremely permeable solid produced by the replacement of liquid in a gel with a gas so that there is little shrinkage.

A gel formed by the dispersion of air in a solidified matrix like a solid foam, as Styrofoam.

Aerogel is a porous solid formed by replacing the liquid of a gel with a gas, such as rigid plastic foam.

aerogen (s) (noun), aerogens (pl)
A gas-forming microorganism or bacterium: Aerogen is also known as "inert gas" or "noble gas", of which there are six that occur naturally and are helium, argon, krypton, xenon, and the radioactive radon.
aerogenerator (s) (noun), aerogenerators (pl)
A device that produces electricity by the power of wind: The aerogenerator was made especially for utilizing wind on a commercial basis.

A windmill is an example of an aerogenerator by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.

aerogenesis (s) (noun) (no pl)
Production of air or gas: Aerogenesis can be formed by microorganisms, for example.
aerogenic, aerogenous (noun); more aerogenic, most aerogenic
Concerning the production of air or gas: Aerogenic fermentation is said of bacteria that liberate free gaseous products.
aerogram, aerogramme (s) (noun); aerograms; aerogrammes (pl)
1. A roentgenogram of a part of the body after it has been injected with air: The term aerogram is sometimes used in medicine for the word "pneumogram" or for "bronchogram".
2. A letter designed for airmail consisting of a single sheet of lightweight paper that, once written on, can be folded and sealed to form an envelope; air letter: Jenny used to use aerograms to send letters to her mother, but now she uses emails instead!

The dated term aerogram can also be described as a wireless message.

At one time, it was a telegram and part of its journey was accomplished by an aeroplane (airplane).
3. A message sent "through the air": It used to be that an aerogram was sent by the way of radio!

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Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "air, wind": aello-; aeolo-; anemo-; atmo-; austro-; flat-, flatu-; phys-; pneo-, -pnea; pneumato-; turb-; vent-; zephyro-.