sporo-, spor-, spori-, -sporium
(Greek: seed, seeding; a sowing; a crop; seedtime)
Sporozoa (proper noun)
A phylum consisting largely of mouthless protozoans that are all parasitic and have no obvious means of locomotion: Most of the minute unicellular organisms of the Sporozoa pass through a complicated life cycle involving an alternation of sexual and asexual reproduction and the formation of spores.
Some, such as the malaria parasite, live in the blood of the host; others may infest the gut or the muscles. They are often transmitted by blood-sucking insects.
Go to this Sporozoa link for additional information.
A reference to a plant that disperses its seeds quickly.
Having the spores in thecae, or cases.
A fungous infection of the hair shaft.
A structure bearing zoosporangia (sporangium in which zoospores develop): A zoosporangiophore is a receptacle that holds the sporangia, which is a case in which the zoospores, independently motile spores, are produced.
A capsule containing zoospores: A zoosporangium is a case that encloses the spores of some algae and fungi that are capable of independent movements.
An asexual spore that can move about by means of cilia or flagella: Zoospores are produced by water-inhabiting organisms, like algae and fungi, and usually develop one or more hair-like cilia that enable them to swim.
A large multinucleate plant spore formed by union with similar gametes: Such zygospores are produced by nonflowering vegetation, fungi, some bacteria, and algae.