pago-, pag- (cold, freezing)

(Greek: cold, frost, freezing; fixed or hardened; united)

Be aware that there is another Greek pago- unit that refers to a "peak"; however, it is used by biologists and ecologists in the restricted sense of "foothill".

Plant and animal organisms existing in ice.
pagophagia (s) (noun), pagophagias (pl)
A form of pica characterized by the compulsive eating of large quantities of ice: A pagophagia may be associated with iron-deficiency anemia.
pagophile (s) (noun), pagophiles (pl)
A plant or animal thriving in ice or preferring to exist in ice: Some pagophiles, the huge phytoplankton blooms, have been discovered under the Arctic sea.
Thriving in ice or preferring to exist in ice.
pagophilous (adjective), more pagophilous, most pagophilous
Relating to an organism that has a preference for environments consisting of ice: The Antarctic and Snow Petrels, Adelie and Emperor Penguins, and the Antarctic Terns can be called the real pagophilous species. Petrels have never been observed far from the edge of the ice although they have been encountered in ice-free water.

Harp seals; also called: genus Pagophilus.
Pagophilus groenlandicus
Harp Seal (Greenland Seal) that live on ice and snow; however they are not confined to the area of (groenlandicus) Greenland. They are widespread in the Arctic.

These seals have unusual and distinct markings on the back which have given rise to the names "Harp" and "Saddlebacked".

pagophily (s) (noun) (no pl)
The feature of a life form thriving on ice, or living within ice itself: When Mrs. James was telling her students about pagophily, she mentioned that it applied to some bacteria or other microscopic creatures and to some animals and plants having a preference for living in such extremely cold environments.
Plants that thrive on (or in) ice.
pagoplexia (s) (noun), pagoplexias (pl)
Frostbite; damage to tissues as the result of exposure to very low environmental temperatures.
A device for showing at a glance whether the prevailing dew point is below freezing; a hygrodeik (a wet and dry bulb hygrometer: any instrument for measuring the water-vapor content of the atmosphere).

Cross references of word families that are related directly or indirectly to "winter, freezing, frost, and/or cold": algid- (cold, chilly); cheimo-, chimo- (winter, cold); crymo-, krymo- (cold, chill, frost); cryo-, kryo-; (cold, freezing); psychro- (cold); rhigo- (cold, frost; shiver).