tri-, tre-
(Greek > Latin: a numerical prefix meaning, three, thrice, threefold; triple; a word element for number 3)
2. One of three people sharing public administration or civil authority.
As the Triple Goddess, she was known as the Lunar Virgin, Mother of Creatures, and the Huntress (Destroyer).
As Diana Egeria, patroness of childbirth, nursing, and healing, the Goddess made Nemi’s holy spring the Lourdes of pagan Rome. The legendary King Numa was said to have derived all his wisdom from a sacred marriage with her.
Trivia was a Roman goddess to whom sacrifices were offered where roads crossed. Since travelers would stop and talk, compare traveling experiences, and share thoughts; Trivia's name, meaning 'three roads coming together", is associated with the kind of information that was probably exchanged at those road crossings.
2. Ordinary; commonplace.
3. Concerned with or involving nothing of importance..
4. Etymology: The adjective trivialis, which was derived from trivium, was literally rendered as "pertaining to a crossroads" and was used in Latin to mean "common" or "ordinary"; probably from the belief that things found at such a public place as a crossroads, where all the world may pass by, are generally common things.
The idea that people often stop where roads meet to pass the time of day with small talk may also have influenced the development of this sense. At any rate, trivial was recorded with the meaning most familiar to us, "of little importance or significance" and "commonplace".
2. In the Middle Ages, there were three roads leading to learning and forming the lower division to the liberal arts: In school, James learned that trivium, or trivia, was used to describe the grammar, the rhetoric, and the logic of the Latin language.
The use of the plural form of trivia as a singular noun is usually considered to be acceptable.

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2. Occurring, published, or performed three times each week.
2. A mixed culture of organisms, where one organism is associasted with three other species.