phon-, phono-, -phone, -phonia, -phonic, -phonetic, -phonous, -phonically, -phonetically, -phony +

(Greek: sound, voice, speech, tone)

This phono-, phon- should not be confused with another phono-, phon- that means "slaughter, murder, homicide". In Greek, a distinction is made between the phonos (PHOH nohs), "murder", which is spelled with the Greek letter omicron in the last syllable; and the Greek phonos (phoh NOHS), "voice", which is spelled with the letter omega in the last syllable. Both omicron and omega became the letter "o" in English.

acouophone (s) (noun), acouophones (pl)
An obsolete, or outdated, term for an electric hearing aid: Margaret's grandmother had an old acouophone which the doctor advised her to turn in for a credit towards the purchase of a new and more modern hearing aid.
acouophonia (s) (noun), acouophonias (pl)
A medical procedure that involves hearing percussions or the act of listening to sounds produced within the body, especially the chest and abdomen, as a means of detecting evidence of physical disorders or pregnancies: Carol's doctor, applying a stethoscope, used an acouophonia on her chest and detected a heart murmur.
acrophonetic (adjective), more acrophonetic, most acrophonetic
Pertaining to a word in which the name of it refers to an alphabetical symbol representing the initial sound of that word; acrophonic: Patty had a book that was full of acrophonetic terms, as "apron" to stand for "a" which is also pronounced like the first letter of the alphabet.

Another acrophonetic term is "bravo" which represents the letter "b".

acrophonic (adjective), more acrophonic, most acrophonic
Referring to the use of symbols to represent sounds: An acrophonic alphabet is one that uses pictographs to represent the aword beginning with the sound of that letter.

The Greek, Hebrew, and Roman alphabets were derived from the early acrophonic alphabet of Canaanites.

acrophony (s) (noun), acrophonies (pl)
The sound of the "initial" or "beginning" of what was originally a picture-symbol or hieroglyph of an object to represent phonetically the initial syllable or sound of the name of the object; One example of acrophony can be the employment of the symbol of an ox, aleph, to represent the syllable or letter.

An acrophony can be said to be the naming of a letter by a word whose initial sound is the same as that which the letter represents.

actinophone (s) (noun), actinophones (pl)
An instrument used for the production of sound by the action of ultraviolet rays: An actinophone is used for the creation of sound with rays involving the property or force in the sun's rays by which chemical changes are effected, as in photography.
actinophonic (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to the production of sounds that are created by chemical action: Since Joe was interested in the creation of noises, he decided to investigate and learn more about the actinophonic phenomena dealing with ultraviolet rays.
adiaphon (s) (noun), adiaphons (pl)
A keyboard musical instrument resembling that has tuning forks instead of steel bars.
adiaphonon (s) (noun), adiaphonons (pl)
Keyboard instruments that is similar to a piano but which has steel bars instead of strings.
aegobronchophony, egobronchophony (s) (noun); aegobronchophonies; egobronchophonies (pl)
Increased vocal resonance with a high-pitched bleating quality: Aegobronchophony of the transmitted voice is heard particularly by auscultation of the lungs, especially over lung tissue which is compressed by pleural effusion.
aegophonic (adjective), more aegophonic, most aegophonic
aegophony, egophony (s) (noun); aegophonies; egophonies (pl)
1. A peculiar broken quality of voice sounds: Aegophony sounds, like the bleating of a goat, is sometimes noticed in patients with divers kinds of lung conditions.
2. Etymology: from Greek aig-, aix,, "goat" + -phony , "sound".
aerophone (s) (noun), aerophones (pl)
A musical instrument (as a trumpet or flute) in which the sound is generated by a vibrating column or eddy of air: Harry was a musician who played an aerophone in the brass section of the orchestra.
aerophonic (adjective), more aerophonic, most aerophonic
allophone (s) (noun), allophones (pl)
One of the slightly differing forms that the same single speech sound (phoneme) can take: One of two or more articulated and acoustically different forms of the same phoneme, for example, the aspirated p of "pin" and the nonaspirated p of "spin" are allophones of the phoneme "p".
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.": cit-; clam-; dic-; fa-; -farious; glosso-; glotto-; lalo-; linguo-; locu-; logo-; loqu-; mythico-; -ology; ora-; -phasia; -phemia; phras-; Quotes: Language,Part 1; Quotes: Language, Part 2; Quotes: Language, Part 3; serm-; tongue; voc-.