psych-, psycho-, -psyche, -psychic, -psychical, -psychically
(Greek: mind, spirit, consciousness; mental processes; the human soul; breath of life; literally, "that which breathes" or "breathing")
A prefix that is normally used with elements of Greek origin, psych- affects the meanings of hundreds of words.
Etymologically, this element includes such meanings as, breath, to breathe, life, soul, spirit, mind, consciousness.
A person who has an exceptional interest in the outer world instead of his or her own inner life: Janet seems to neglect herself and was only fascinated and involved in the happenings around her.
allopsychic (adjective) (not comparable)
Related to, or referring to, the mental processes and their relationships to the outside world or the external environment: Rosetta made allopsychic adjustments regarding her new roommate at the university.
A mental disease that is characterized by abnormal perceptions or losing touch with reality: "Leo's allopsychosis resulted in his having strange illusions and hallucinations, but he still had normal motor functions; such as, speech."
The ascription or attribution of mental faculties or characteristics like those of man to the Divine Being or the agencies at work in nature; that is, spiritual as contrasted with physical.
A reference to the mind and spirit of man, including his reason, his intelligence, and his will. Anthropopsychism is believed to be more appropriate when referring to the mental characteristics described above rather than the term anthropomorphism.
antipsychotic (adjective)
Effective in the treatment of psychosis or an agent that has such actions.
Antipsychotic agents are a chemically diverse but pharmacologically similar class of drugs used to treat schizophrenic, paranoid, schizoaffective, and other psychotic disorders; such as, acute delirium, dementia, and manic episodes.
The loss of consciousness: While Peter was watching TV, he suddenly fell over on the couch apparently as a result of apsychia.
apsychical (adjective)
1. Unspiritual.
2. Not connected with or controlled by the mind.
2. Not connected with or controlled by the mind.
Not being aware of one’s own personality or mental condition: Wayne, afflicted with apsychognosia, doesn't realize how other people react to his behavior nor can he recognize the outward bodily signs or attributes of other people and things.
Absence of mental functioning and particularly of thinking, as when in a stupor: When someone has apsychosis, even psychosis (a severe mental disorder in which the patient withdraws into an inner world of disorganized thinking and feeling) is not evident because that person is not completely conscious.
autopsychic (adjective)
Of or pertaining to self-consciousness or the awareness of oneself.
An abnormal rhythmic activity of the brain, once thought to be associated with insanity.
A severe mental disorder with prominent delusions concerning oneself.
Self-analysis; the exploration of one's own thoughts and feelings as a way to gain insight into the origins and significance of one's behavior or symptoms.
biopsychic (adjective)
Pertaining to mental phenomena in their relations to the living organism.
An interdisciplinary area of study involving psychology, biology, physiology, biochemistry, the neural sciences, and related fields: "Derrick is a university student majoring in biopsychology so he can work in the branch of psychology that deals with the biological foundations of behavior, emotions, and mental processes."