therio-, theri-, thero-, ther-, -there, -therium, -theria, -theridae, -therian, -therioid, -theroida +
(Greek: animal, wild beast, wild animal)
A fossil reptile with teeth of a mammalian type, specifically one of the order Theriodontia.
Pertaining or relating to theriogenology; of or affecting the reproductive processes of animals.
A person who specializes in theriogenology.
1. That branch of veterinary medicine that deals with reproduction, including the physiology and pathology of male and female reproductive systems and the clinical practice of veterinary obstetrics, gynecology, and semenology.
2. The study of all aspects of normal and abnormal reproduction in animals, including the physiology and pathology of the male and female reproductive systems.
2. The study of all aspects of normal and abnormal reproduction in animals, including the physiology and pathology of the male and female reproductive systems.
Like an animal.
Someone who worships animals.
theriolatry, therolatry
1. Beast worship; worship of animals.
2. The worship of beasts as gods, or of theriomorphic deities.
2. The worship of beasts as gods, or of theriomorphic deities.

The scientific study of animals; zoology.

Fortunetelling by viewing, or observing, wild animals: Theriomancy is a form of prognostication by watchings and interpreting their behavior and movements of wild animals.
One who has a mania (madness) for hunting wild beasts.
Imitation of animal behavior.
1. A representation of an animal form in art.
2. Having the form or characteristics of a wild animal.
3. A reference to a deity worshipped in the form of a beast; partly animal and partly human in form.
2. Having the form or characteristics of a wild animal.
3. A reference to a deity worshipped in the form of a beast; partly animal and partly human in form.