quir-, quisit-, quis-, que-, quer-, quest-, -quirement, -quirable, -quisition, -quisitive
(Latin: to ask, to seek)
The act or fact of being able to be obtained, possessed, or owned: The acquirability of the wonderful piece of art seemed momentarily unobtainable when Jim tried to buy it.
acquirable (adjective), more acquirable, most acquirable
Descriptive of something that can be secured; available; obtainable: Owning the silver pitcher seemed to be the most acquirable object for the bidder at the auction.
acquire (verb), acquires; acquired; acquiring
1. To gain ownership of something with one's own efforts: Louise continued to practice piano every day until she acquired the skills to perform with the symphony orchestra and as a soloist.
2. To learn about or to develop something: Because of the bad economic conditions, it is becoming more difficult for many people to acquire sufficient funds to live on.
3. To develop as a result of experience: Mark was acquiring a negative attitude about listening to the news because of all of the terrible things that were happening to so many people around the world.
4. Etymology: originally from Latin acquirere, "to get something extra"; which is derived from ad, "addition, direction toward" + quaerere, "to try to get or to obtain";
2. To learn about or to develop something: Because of the bad economic conditions, it is becoming more difficult for many people to acquire sufficient funds to live on.
3. To develop as a result of experience: Mark was acquiring a negative attitude about listening to the news because of all of the terrible things that were happening to so many people around the world.
4. Etymology: originally from Latin acquirere, "to get something extra"; which is derived from ad, "addition, direction toward" + quaerere, "to try to get or to obtain";
An accomplishment, ability, or power that has been developed through training: Virtuosity on the piano for Rene was his acquirement after many years of daily practicing.
1. The act of getting something: It was by subtle acquisition that Shareen's father bought the horse for the family's stable.
2. Something that was recently bought or obtained: Susan invited Glenda to her home to show off her recent acquisition of a beautiful green vase.
3. The development of a new skill, a practice, or a way of doing things: Some companies have a Department of Acquisitions which is responsible for taking over other businesses. There also might be a department of a library or a museum that is responsible for acquisitions and taking care of new items which have come from other places.
2. Something that was recently bought or obtained: Susan invited Glenda to her home to show off her recent acquisition of a beautiful green vase.
3. The development of a new skill, a practice, or a way of doing things: Some companies have a Department of Acquisitions which is responsible for taking over other businesses. There also might be a department of a library or a museum that is responsible for acquisitions and taking care of new items which have come from other places.
acquisitive (adjective), more acquisitive, most acquisitive
1. Eager to obtain things; especially, possessions: Although Sam cared for Holly, he was afraid to marry her because of her acquisitive behavior.
2. Eager and quick to learn: Adam had an acquisitive mind and enjoyed going to school so he could satisfy his curiosity.

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2. Eager and quick to learn: Adam had an acquisitive mind and enjoyed going to school so he could satisfy his curiosity.

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acquisitively (adverb), more acquisitively, most acquisitively
Being eager, perhaps too much so, to own or to possess things: Olive, the miser, acquisitively longed for more wealth although she never spent much of what she already had.
A strong desire to obtain and to keep something or someone: Gerta's acquisitiveness knew no limits when it came to purchasing antique jewelry.
conquer (verb), conquers; conquered; conquering
1. To take control of a place by military force: Some belligerent countries try to conquer other nations by going to war.
2. To gain control of something that is difficult to overcome: Mildred had to conquer her fear of going into the swimming pool before she could ever learn to swim.
3. To win someone’s love, affection, or admiration, often through the strength of character or seduction, and sometimes somewhat against the other person’s will: The romantic hero in the play made efforta to conquer the beautiful maiden's heart with songs and poetry.
2. To gain control of something that is difficult to overcome: Mildred had to conquer her fear of going into the swimming pool before she could ever learn to swim.
3. To win someone’s love, affection, or admiration, often through the strength of character or seduction, and sometimes somewhat against the other person’s will: The romantic hero in the play made efforta to conquer the beautiful maiden's heart with songs and poetry.
conquerable (adjective), more conquerable, most conquerable
Descriptive of something that can be managed or brought under control: Simona's bad handwriting was a conquerable trait that she could change if she really wanted to.
Something or someone who can be overwhelmed, obtained, or possessed; often by considerable effort or force: Josh was convinced of the conquerableness of the raging river and rapids as he prepared to paddle his way through the canyon's waterway.
conqueringly (adverb), more conqueringly, most conqueringly
By means of a strong, overwhelming, demanding, and possessive attitude or behavior: William's strong conqueringly superior attitude resulted in his never losing a boxing match.
1. Anyone who has enjoyed great success in war and has defeated an enemy or enemies: The great conqueror marched with his troops into the city with trumpets blaring and flags waving.
2. A person who has overcome an opponent in some kind of contest: Norbert was hailed as the conqueror after he had won five boxing matches in a row.
2. A person who has overcome an opponent in some kind of contest: Norbert was hailed as the conqueror after he had won five boxing matches in a row.
1. The control of a place or people by the force of war: The conquest of the large city was accomplished with a great loss of life on both sides.
2. Something that has been acquired through force of arms; such as, land, people, or goods: There are some who believe that property acquired by conquest is legitimate despite the fact that others were living there before and had legal rights to the territory.
3. A person whose love, affection, or admiration has been won, often through strength of character or seduction; and sometimes, perhaps against the other person’s will: Priscilla was the latest conquest of Pierre whose goal was to get ten women to fall in love with him before the end of the year.
2. Something that has been acquired through force of arms; such as, land, people, or goods: There are some who believe that property acquired by conquest is legitimate despite the fact that others were living there before and had legal rights to the territory.
3. A person whose love, affection, or admiration has been won, often through strength of character or seduction; and sometimes, perhaps against the other person’s will: Priscilla was the latest conquest of Pierre whose goal was to get ten women to fall in love with him before the end of the year.
A Spanish conqueror or adventurer; especially, one of those who conquered Mexico, Peru, and Central America in the 16th century: Conquistadors are often portrayed as romantic heroes in novels.