auto-, aut-

(Greek: self, same, spontaneous; directed from within)

autosuggestion, autosuggestive
1. The dwelling upon an idea, thought, or concept, thereby inducing some change in the mental or bodily functions.
2. The process by which a person induces self-acceptance of an opinion, belief, or plan of action.
3. A suggestion arising from oneself, as the repetition of verbal messages for changing one's behavior.
4. The process by which someone's perceptions, behavior, or physical condition may be altered by means of his or her power of suggestion; also, sometimes known as "self hypnosis".
autosympathectomy (s) (noun), autosympathectomies (pl)
A permanent peripheral arterial dilatation resulting from the destruction of sympathetic nerve functions by an endogenous process: Autosympathectomy is the neuropathy that accompanies diabetes mellitus.
1. Self-preoccupation to such a degree that no attention is paid to the outside world.
2. Autism.
Self-reproduction; self-replication.
Relating to or believing in autotelism; being an end in itself.
A belief that a work of art is an end in itself or its own justification.
autotemnous (adjective), more autotemnous, most autotemnous
1. A reference to being capable of spontaneous division.
2. Pertaining to a cell that propagates itself by fission, or cell division, without being previously joined together.
autothaumaturgist (s) (noun), autothaumaturgists (pl)
A person or people who are pretending to be mystical or mysterious.
autotheism (s) (noun), autotheisms (pl)
1. The doctrine of God’s self-subsistence. The ascription of this attribute to the Second Person of the Trinity, as being God of himself and not merely God of God.
2. Self-deification or the worship of oneself that he or she is a deity: "Celeste believed that she was divine and God incarnate; however, as a patient in the mental institution, she never had any support for her views from her caretakers."
autotherapy, autotherapist
1. The spontaneous cure of a disease; self cure.
2. The treatment of a disease with filtrates from a patient’s secretions.
3. Treatment of one’s own infirmity (illness).
An organism that regulates its body heat independent of ambient temperature changes.
To cause a body part to undergo autotomy; that is, to shed, cast off, shake off, throw off, throw away, and to drop off.
autotomy, autotomic
1. The spontaneous casting off of a limb or other body part, such as the tail of certain lizards or the claw of a lobster, especially when the organism is injured or under attack.
2. The separation of a body part.
3. The self-amputation of a damaged or trapped appendage.
4. The performance of surgery upon oneself.
Someone who cuts his/her own hair or who looks as if he/she cuts his/her own hair.
1. The inability to recognize or correctly orient the parts of one's own body.
2. Loss of the power to recognize or orient a bodily part due to a brain lesion.
3. Inability to localize and name the parts of one's own body; for example, finger agnosia would be autotopagnosia restricted to the fingers.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "equal, identical, same, similar": emul-; equ-, equi-; homeo-; homo-; iso-; pari-; peer; rhomb-; syn-; tauto-.