phreno-, phren-, phreni-, phrenico-, phrenic-, -phrenia, -phrenic, -phrenically

(Greek: mind, brain; the midriff or the diaphragm; mental disorder)

1. Excessive mental activity, such as that which occurs in the manic phase of manic-depressive psychosis or in the severe preoccupations associated with the psychoneuroses.
2. Intellectual capacity far above the average.
Any kind of sleep disturbance.
1. A form of insanity that is caused by disease of the brain itself; organic brain disease.
2. Originating in one’s own mind; psychogenic; delirium.
Relating to, or originating in, the mind or brain alone, not reflex or secondary.
Preoccupation with thoughts about a particular word.
malneirophrenia (s) (noun), malneirophrenias (pl)
In a state of depression following a nightmare: Glenda's bad dream was so real that she wandered around the next day in a state of malneiophrenia because she was feeling unsettled and emotionally disturbed.
nosocomephrenia (s) (noun), nosocomephrenias (pl)
Hospital melancholia, a depression from a prolonged stay in a health care center: Mental nosocomephrenia is observed in some patients who are required to stay in rehabilitation for medical treatment for an abnormally extended period of time.
A scarcity of words that is a condition in which a person says, or writes, fewer words than might normally be expected; given his/her personality, education, and the specific circumstances.
1. Less than normal mental development.
2. Mental retardation; subnormal intellectual functioning which originates during the developmental period and is associated with impairment of one or more of the following: maturation, learning, social adjustment.
A reference to mental retardation.
1. A state in which hallucinations occur, caused by such conditions as prolonged deprivation of sleep, sensory isolation, and a variety of drugs.
2. A form of schizophrenia characterized by a clouding of the consciousness.

Some psychiatrists consider oneirophrenia to be an acute form of schizophrenia.

1. Soundness of mind.
2. A condition of normal interpersonal relationships.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving the "mind, mental" word units: anima-; anxi-; deliri-; hallucina-; menti-; moro-; noo-; nous; psych-; thymo-2.