pater-, patri-, patro-, patr-, -patria

(Latin: father, dad, pop (family member); fatherland, country, nation)

A genealogy of the Fathers (of the Christian Church).
Sexual love of a daughter for her father.
Worship of, or excessive reverence for, the fathers of the Roman Catholic Church.
The study of the writings of the Fathers (of the Church), patristics; a treatise on these writings.
1. Father in the the senses of protector and defender of his clients (viz. of individuals, of cities, or provinces); also, the former master of a freedman or freedwoman; an advocate or defender before a court of justice, or, generally, of any person or cause.
2. In Middle Latin, it acquired the senses of patron saint, patron or advowee (advocatus) of a church, and that of lord or master, in many specific connexions; also that of exemplar, pattern.
3. Most of these senses are represented in English patron, but the order in which they were taken into English does not correspond to that of their appearance in the Latin and Romanic sense.
4. A person of distinction who gave his protection and aid to a client in return for certain services.
5. Someone who gives money or other support to someone or something; especially in the arts.
1. The action of a patron in giving influential support, favor, encouragement, or countenance, to a person, institution, work, art, etc. Originally it implied the action of a superior.
2. The appointments or privileges that a politician can give to loyal supporters.
1. The female form of patron.
2. A woman who supports, protects, or champions someone or something, such as an institution, an event, or a cause; a sponsor or benefactor.
3. A woman who possesses the right to grant an ecclesiastical benefice to a member of the clergy.
4. A female patron saint.
patronize (verb), patronizes; patronized; patronizing
1. To treat someone condescendingly and in a less than intelligent way: Mary patronized her sister by talking to her as if she were inferior or not smart at all.
2. To be a regular customer of a particular store or business: Melanie loved shopping so she patronized the local grocery shop every week!
3. To give money or other material support to someone or something, especially in the arts: Thomas loved to be involved with the local drama groups and was one of the sponsors who often patronized the theater.
The study of the origin of personal names; especially, from the father.
A description of a name derived from a male (father) ancestor’s name; especially, one that adds a prefix, e.g., "Mac-", or a suffix, e.g., "-son" to the earlier name.

Another example is the Russian "-vich" which is attached to Ivan and so becomes “Ivanovich” (son of Ivan).

A reference to patronym, or a name derived from a male (father) ancestor’s name; especially, one that adds a prefix; for example, "Mac-", or a suffix; such as, "-son" to an earlier name.
Another descriptive reference to patronym, or name elements which present masculine elements to a family name; such as, "-son" to "Johnson".
The owner of a manorial estate in New York or New Jersey granted under Dutch rule [Mid-18th century via Dutch from French patron].