pater-, patri-, patro-, patr-, -patria

(Latin: father, dad, pop (family member); fatherland, country, nation)

patrilineal, patrilineage
1. Designating or of descent, kinship, or derivation through the father instead of the mother.
2. Related to descent through the male line; inheritance of the Y chromosome is exclusively patrilineal.
patrilocal, patrilocality
A marriage of a young couple in which they live with the husband’s parents.
patrimony (s) (noun) (no plural)
1. Property inherited from one's father or ancestors: James received ownership of his patrimony's farm when he passed away.
2. Things from the past endowed to an institution, as a church: The historic landmarks are an important part of people's cultural patrimony.
Slavish or excessive devotion to one’s country.
patriot, patriotic
A person who loves and loyally or zealously supports his own country.
Love and loyal or zealous support of one’s own country
One who held, as certain early heretics, that God the Father suffered with or in the person of the Son for the redemption of man.
patripassion (s) (noun) (no pl)
A belief held, as certain early believers, that God the Father suffered with or in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, for the redemption of mankind: Certain early people, or heretics at that time, believed in patripassion, thinking that God endured pain for the salvation of the human race.
Characterized by the exercise of authority by the father or his relatives in a family or household.
patrist, patristic
One versed in the lives or writings of the Fathers of the Christian Church.
1. Looking more like one’s father than one’s mother.
2. Having physical characteristics inherited from the father.
3. Character inherited from the father.