mythico-, mytho-, myth-, -mythical, -mythical, -mythically, -mythic +

(Greek: talk, speech, word; story; legend)

Used as a synonym of demythologize.
demythify (verb), demythifies; demythified; demythifying
To deprive of mythical character; to remove the aura of reverence, sentimentality, etc.
1. To remove the mythical elements (from a legend, cult, etc.); specifically, in theology, to reinterpret the mythological elements in the Bible.

In order to discover the real facts of Christ's life and teachings, it is necessary to strip the New Testament; especially, the Gospels, of this layer of mythology.

2. Etymology: from Latin de-, "reverse of" + Greek mythologein, "to relate legends, myths".
Greek for "ventriloquist".

From Greek en, "in" plus gaster, "belly" plus mythos, "speech, talk"; which makes it the equivalent of the better known Latin ventriloquist, which itself comes from venter, "belly" plus loqui, "speak, talk".

Engastrimyth is rarely seen anymore and it refers to the soothsaying phenomenon of speaking without appearing to speak. It has been associated with prophetesses; such as, the famous Delphic Oracle, or with seers who acted as conveyors for the voice of someone beyond the grave; such as, the Biblical story of the Witch of Endor.

The moral of the story.

A reference to fables as a brief fictional narrative with a generalized moral lesson.

1. A purely fictitious narrative usually involving supernatural persons, actions, or events, and embodying some popular idea concerning natural or historical phenomena.
2. A fictitious or imaginary person or object.
1. Of the nature of, consisting of, or based on a myth or myths; having no foundation in fact; fictitious.
2. Of persons or times belonging to a period of which the accounts handed down are of the nature of myths; existing only in myth.
3. Applied to theories or views which regard narratives of supernatural events as myths.
The principle of attributing a mythical character to narratives of supernatural events.
History mixed with myth; a mythologized version of history.
Someone who destroys or casts discredit upon myths.
1. A reference to the destruction of myths.
2. A description of someone whose purpose is to destroy myths.
The creation or production of myths.
Myth-forming; of or pertaining to the creation of myths.
mythogony, mythogonic
The study of the origin of myths.
A written presentation of a myth.
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.": cit-; clam-; dic-; English Words: Origins and Histories; fa-; -farious; glosso-; glotto-; lalo-; linguo-; locu-; logo-; loqu-; -ology; ora-; -phasia; -phemia; phon-; phras-; Quotes: Language,Part 1; Quotes: Language, Part 2; Quotes: Language, Part 3; serm-; tongue; voc-.