mort-, mor-, mori-, morti- +

(Latin: death, dead; die, dying)

cadaveric rigidity (s) (noun), cadaveric rigidities (pl)
1. The stiffening of the muscles that occurs several hours after someone has died: The medical examiner noted the degree of cadaveric rigidity or rigor mortis that was present as part of the estimation of the time of the victim's death.
2. The hardening of the muscular tissues of the body, from one to seven hours after death as a result of the coagulation of the myosinogen and paramyosinogen: The cadaveric rigidity disappears after one to five or six days, or when decomposition begins.

Sometimes the rigor mortis, or cadaveric rigidity in the corpse, makes it difficult to fit the body into the coffin for burial.

3. The postmortem stiffening of the voluntary and involuntary muscles of the body present a board-like situation for the entire body: The development of cadaveric rigidity may be poor or incomplete in elderly, very young, or severely debilitated individuals.
Calicem vitae dedisti mihi in mortem.
The cup of life is the cup of death.

Motto of German Emperor Henry VII of Luxembourg (1308-1313).

Caput mortuum.
Dead head; death's head or a skull.
Human skull.

This was a term, or name, alchemists gave to worthless material that remained after their experiments; such as, residuum left after chemical analysis; worthless residue in a flask after the distillation was complete; by extension, "a worthless or useless person".

De mortuis nihil nisi bonum.
Of the dead, (say) nothing but good.

Another translation: "Speak kindly of the dead." It is believed that Chilon of Sparta, one of the wise men of sixth-century B.C. Greece, is the author of this saying. Keep in mind that this would be a Latin translation of what Chilon said in Greek.

The advice to everyone is to speak well of the recently dead or, if you can not say anything good, to keep quiet.

Esto fidelis usque ad mortem. (Latin motto)
Translation: "Be faithful unto death."
immortable (adjective) (not comparable)
Having the capacity to live after death: In the story Jane was reading, the author described the fairy as being immortable and able to continue dwelling with the others in the fairy family.
immortal (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Referring to a life that never ends; not mortal; not liable or subject to death; deathless, undying; living for ever; such as, the immortal soul: Many religions teach that when a person lives a holy life or is committed to a certain theology, that he or she will be immortal after leaving this mortal life.
2. In a wider sense, not liable to perish or decay; everlasting, imperishable, unfading, incorruptible: In the Christian religion, Jesus is considered to be the immortal saviour.
3. Concerning the fame of famous works or of their authors; lasting through an unlimited succession of ages that will not fade from the memory of men; remembered or celebrated through all time: Shakespeare's immortal plays are presented on state in many countries around the world.

To make a speech immortal you don't have to make it everlasting.

—Lord Leslie Hore-Belisha
1. The quality or condition of being immortal; exemption from death or annihilation; endless life or existence; eternity; perpetuity.
2. The condition of being celebrated through all time; enduring fame or remembrance.

Immortality is considered by some people to be a fate worse than death.

The nearest approach to immortality on earth is a government bureau.

—Jame F. Byrnes
immortalizable (adjective), more immortalizable, most immortalizable
Capable of becoming timeless or everlasting: Tom didn't think that people were immortalizable and able to exist as eternal beings after deceasing from the world.
1. The ability of a genetically engineered cell line to reproduce indefinitely.
2. The act of immortalizing (exempt from death), or the situation whereby one is immortalized (given unending life).

The average person does not know what to do with this life, yet wants another one which will last forever.

—Anatole France
immortalize (verb), immortalizes; immortalized; immortalizing
1. To endow with an endless life or to exempt from ever dying: Some writers have immortalized people from the past by presenting their achievements in novels or historical writings.
2. To cause to be remembered or to be famous forever: There are many individuals who exist now and who will be immortalized as a result of what they do for other people.
Characterized by having an unending existence; deathless; enduring.
1. Any of various plants, such as species of the genera Helichrysum, Xeranthemum, and Erythrina, having flowers that retain their shape and color when dried.
French for "the everlasting"; mostly widely cultivated species of everlasting flowers usually having purple flowers; from southern Europe to Iran; naturalized elsewhere.
in articulo mortis
In the grasp of death or at the moment of death.

A statement made in articulo mortis, "at the point of death", carries special weight; since it is believed that a person about to die has nothing to gain, perhaps much to lose, by lying.

infant mortality (s) (noun), infant mortalities (pl)
Perinatal (before and after birth), neonatal (first four weeks after birth), and infant (child up to 24 months of age) deaths in a given population.

Related "death, dead; kill" units: -cide; lethal-; neci-; necro-; phono-; thanato-.