mort-, mor-, mori-, morti- +

(Latin: death, dead; die, dying)

abmortal (adjective), more abmortal, most abmortal
Pertaining to the location or direction away from dead, dying, or injured tissue: The abmortal electric currents were generated by the injured muscles in his leg.

The corrective surgery performed an abmortal relocation of the damaged nerves on Joe's foot. Joe was a long distance runner.

admortal (adjective) (not comparable)
Concerning something that moves toward damaged tissue: Dr. Thompson applied an admortal electric current in order to remove the injured and infected skin from Jim's leg.
To the death; mortally.
algor mortis
The cooling of the body that follows death.
amort (adjective), more amort, most amort
Without life or animation; dejected, as if dead; utterly cast down: Mable could see that Bert had amort feelings which were indicated by the slump of his shoulders and his attitude.
In the state or act of death; lifeless, inanimate; figuratively spiritless, dejected.
amortization, amortisation
1. The reduction of a debt by making payments with regular transfers or installments, or the money used for this.
2. Payment of an obligation in a series of installments or transfers.
3. The reduction of the value of an asset by prorating its cost over a period of years.
amortize (verb), amortizes; amortized; amortizing
1. To pay money which is owed for something by making regular payments over a long period of time: Sam has been amortizing the mortgage for his house for the last five years.
2. To reduce a debt by making payments against the principal balance in installments or regular transfers: During the year, Jack and Jill amortized their financial obligation to the bank for a loan and so it became less and less each month!
1. A sloping top on a buttress, pillar, etc.
2. An architectural feature; such as, a gable, at the top of a façade.
3. A payment of an obligation in a series of installments or transfers.
4. The reduction of the value of an asset by prorating its cost over a period of years.
ante mortem
Before death.

Made or done just before one’s death.

Before or immediately preceding death.
Beata morte nihil beatius.
No greater fortune than an easy death.

Motto of German King Frederick III of Austria (1314-1330).

benemortasia (s) (noun), benemortasias (pl)
1. The act of preventing the artificial prolongation of life with medication: Benemortasia allows a hopelessly sick or injured patient to die by not administering extraordinary medical measures to extend his or her condition.
2. Etymology: from Latin, bene mori, "to die well" or "a good death".

Coined in the early 1970’s by A.J. Dyck, of Harvard University, and it essentially refers to "passive euthanasia" as opposed to the generally accepted "active" implications of euthanasia.

biomort, biomortia
The dying of a living organism.
cadaver graft, postmortem graft (s) (noun); cadaver grafts; postmortem grafts (pl)
The grafting of tissue from a dead body onto a living human to repair a physical defect: The doctors in the plastic surgery department of the hospital relied on a tissue bank for cadaver grafts.

Related "death, dead; kill" units: -cide; lethal-; neci-; necro-; phono-; thanato-.