(Latin: fruitful, fruitfulness; fertile, fertility)
fecund (FEE kuhnd; FEK und) (adjective), more fecund, most fecund
1. A reference to animals, the earth, etc. which are capable of producing offspring or vegetable growth abundantly and prolifically: A fecund land is fertile and productive for crops because lots of vegetation can flourish there.
2. Pertaining to producing many living organisms or vegetation which is present in large quantities: Insects are apparently the most fecund breeders in nature.
3. Relating to an imaginative or inventive mind: A fecund person often produces original and creative things that are unusual.

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2. Pertaining to producing many living organisms or vegetation which is present in large quantities: Insects are apparently the most fecund breeders in nature.
3. Relating to an imaginative or inventive mind: A fecund person often produces original and creative things that are unusual.

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The possibility of a woman, or a female animal, giving birth within a given time period, especially during a certain month or menstrual cycle: Some medical authorities have determined that smoking, caffeine, or alcohol use among parents have a serious affect on the fecundability of a mother-to-be.
fecundate (verb), fecundates; fecundated; fecundating
1. To render fruitful or productive.
2. To make the female, human, animal, or vegetation fruitful by the introduction of the male element of the species; to impregnate, to fertilize; or to pollinate certain plants.
2. To make the female, human, animal, or vegetation fruitful by the introduction of the male element of the species; to impregnate, to fertilize; or to pollinate certain plants.
The process of producing a new organism by fertilization.
fecundative (adjective), more fecundative, most fecundative
A reference to fertilizing animals, plants, insects, etc.
Anything that fertilizes in order to reproduce its species.
fecundatory (adjective), more fecundatory, most fecundatory
1. Relating to the process of producing offspring or children via impregnation, etc.
2. A reference to the act of making fertile or greatly productive:
2. A reference to the act of making fertile or greatly productive:
- A fecundatory soil is rich in materials necessary for initiating or sustaining plant growth.
- The fecundatory animal is capable of producing its species.
- A fecundatory mind or mental inventions are rich in various activities.
1. Physical reproduction or the capacity for bringing forth young ones: One man and his wife had an abnormally large fecundity of children as illustrated in the image below.
2. The faculty or power of being fruitful with material things: There is a fecundity of animals, plants, etc. and of immaterial things; like words, wisdom, power, etc.
3. The intellectual results of a creative imagination: There is a fecundity of various forms of writing in abundance; such as, in newspapers, magazines, books, correspondence, etc.
4. In biology, the power or quality of producing offspring rapidly and in large numbers: There is one fecundity that exists in nature which is the ability to produce mature, fertilizable ova or eggs, and to cause them to become living creatures.

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2. The faculty or power of being fruitful with material things: There is a fecundity of animals, plants, etc. and of immaterial things; like words, wisdom, power, etc.
3. The intellectual results of a creative imagination: There is a fecundity of various forms of writing in abundance; such as, in newspapers, magazines, books, correspondence, etc.
4. In biology, the power or quality of producing offspring rapidly and in large numbers: There is one fecundity that exists in nature which is the ability to produce mature, fertilizable ova or eggs, and to cause them to become living creatures.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
Do you know why the man is asking the father about "going broke buying cigars" based on the many children that he has?
- In some places; such as, the United States of America and Cuba, when mothers gave birth to babies, the fathers traditionally handed out cigars to friends and family members announcing that a new child had been born.
- This tradition may still be practiced in our modern times; however, now it usually happens after the birth at a party celebrating his or her being a new baby.
The animals that are capable of producing offspring or the vegetable growth that is prolific.
infecund (adjective) (not comparative)
A reference to something that is not being fruitful; or someone who is not producing young ones; barren, unproductive.
infecundated (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of being unfertilized; not impregnated.
An unfruitfulness; barrenness; a female sterility.
The successive fertilization by two or more separate instances of impregnation of two or more ova, or eggs, formed during the same menstrual cycle: Superimpregnation involves the production of litter-mates or siblings with different fathers.
Fertility that is more abundant than normal.
unfecundated (adjective) (not comparable)
Descriptive of not being prolific or fruitful; barren, unproductive.
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