(Latin: proper, dignified, fitting, seemly right; suitability)
decent (adjective), more decent, most decent
1. Pertaining to that which is seemly, fitting, and proper: The decent actions of the couple to help pick up the clothes that were blown off the line by the strong wind were greatly appreciated by the woman next door.
2. Conforming to accepted standards of moral behavior: Sharon was told that she should do the decent thing and to tell the neighbor what happened to his window.
3. Above average in quality or quantity: The carpenters did more than just a decent job because they did considerably more than was requested and they still charged a decent price.
4. Etymology: the term decent came ultimately from Latin decere, "to be fitting" or "to be suitable"; close relatives of which have produced decorate, dignity, and from Greek orthodox. Its present form of decent was acquired by English, either directly from or via French décent.
2. Conforming to accepted standards of moral behavior: Sharon was told that she should do the decent thing and to tell the neighbor what happened to his window.
3. Above average in quality or quantity: The carpenters did more than just a decent job because they did considerably more than was requested and they still charged a decent price.
4. Etymology: the term decent came ultimately from Latin decere, "to be fitting" or "to be suitable"; close relatives of which have produced decorate, dignity, and from Greek orthodox. Its present form of decent was acquired by English, either directly from or via French décent.
The decorative scheme of a room, building, stage setting, etc.: Frank had a decor in his house representing the style of French Provincial or characteristic of the provinces from the 17th and 18th century France.

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decorate (verb), decorates; decorated; decorating
1. To add something to in order to make it more attractive; to adorn; to ornament.
2. To plan and arrange colors, furnishings, etc. of a room or building: The Mark family hired a professional worker to paint and to wallpaper their house.
3. To give a medal or similar token of honor to someone.
5. Etymology: decorate comes from Latin decoratus, the past participle of decorare, "to make beautiful", a verb derived from decus, "ornament".
2. To plan and arrange colors, furnishings, etc. of a room or building: The Mark family hired a professional worker to paint and to wallpaper their house.
3. To give a medal or similar token of honor to someone.
5. Etymology: decorate comes from Latin decoratus, the past participle of decorare, "to make beautiful", a verb derived from decus, "ornament".
Its root decor-, also produced the adjective decorus, "beautiful, seemly", from which English gets decorous and via its neuter singular form, decorum.
Décor is a 19th-century borrowing from French, where it was a derivative of the verb décorer.
1. The act of embellishing or adorning for a special occasion: The decorations for Mildred's birthday part were bright and beautiful for everyone's pleasure.
2. A medal, badge, or similar token given to honor someone: Sam's son had several decorations for his valor as a soldier.
2. A medal, badge, or similar token given to honor someone: Sam's son had several decorations for his valor as a soldier.
decorative (noun), more decorative, most decorative
A reference to what is intended to look attractive more than to be useful.
The arts that are concerned with the production of high-quality objects which are both useful and beautiful: Susan was majoring in decorative arts at the vocational institute.
An appearance that serves to decorate and to make something more attractive: The decorativeness of the texture and the colors on the surfaces of the small sculptures made them unique and very beautiful.
1. A person who specializes in interior ornamentations or beautifications: Elizabeth studied to become a decorator of hotels; as well as, apartment buildings.
2. People who specialize in designing the interiors of buildings and their furnishings: The company hired decorators to paint and to wallpaper houses and other buildings in the community.
2. People who specialize in designing the interiors of buildings and their furnishings: The company hired decorators to paint and to wallpaper houses and other buildings in the community.
decoratory (adjective), more decoratory, most decoratory
A reference to beautifying and enhancing: The architect designed the outside of the building to be more functional than just being a decoratory structure.
decorous (adjective), more decorous, most decorous
1. Characterized by or showing acceptable behavior, good taste, etc.
2. Characterized by an outward conformity to the recognized standards of good manners, behavior, etc.
3. As regards language, exemplifying propriety with the use of diction and grammar: Jim's teacher was surprised at his most decorous writing content and style.
2. Characterized by an outward conformity to the recognized standards of good manners, behavior, etc.
3. As regards language, exemplifying propriety with the use of diction and grammar: Jim's teacher was surprised at his most decorous writing content and style.
1. Propriety and good taste in behavior, speech, dress, etc.: Following the rules of decorum, Leslie made sure that all her guests were introduced as soon as anyone arrived at the party.

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The young entertainers were expected to behave with proper decorum on the TV program.
2. Whatever is in accordance with the standard of good breeding; the avoidance of anything unseemly or offensive in manner: While Susan was on the witness stand, she responded to all of the opposing attorney's aggressive questions with remarkable decorum.Proper behavior in a courtroom requires that everyone address the judge as, "Your Honor".

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dedecorate (verb), dedecorates; dedecorated; dedecorating
1. To disgrace or to dishonor: Bill's cousin dedecorated himself at the party after drinking too much beer and wine.
2. To disfigure, to destroy; to shame or to disgrace: A group of men were seen dedecorating the Christmas decorations from the tree in front of the city hall.
2. To disfigure, to destroy; to shame or to disgrace: A group of men were seen dedecorating the Christmas decorations from the tree in front of the city hall.
indecorous (adjective), more indecorous, most indecorous
1. Pertaining to being contrary to proper behavior; in bad taste; immodest, indecent: The author's indecorous novel was restricted from the public library; as well as, from the local schools.
2. A reference to something that is not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society: Bryan was expelled from the meeting because of his indecorous yelling at the speaker.
3. Descriptive of rudeness or shocking behavior because of being considered socially unacceptable: The principal told the students that any indecorous behavior would not be tolerated in the school.

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2. A reference to something that is not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society: Bryan was expelled from the meeting because of his indecorous yelling at the speaker.
3. Descriptive of rudeness or shocking behavior because of being considered socially unacceptable: The principal told the students that any indecorous behavior would not be tolerated in the school.

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redecorate (verb), redecorates; redecorated; redecorating
1. To make something look more attractive again: David and Patricia had the rooms of their apartment redecorated with new colors of wall paper and paint.
2. To confer an award or medal on a member of the military forces: The military unit was redecorating the soldier for the third time for his outstanding bravery during his assignment in the war.
2. To confer an award or medal on a member of the military forces: The military unit was redecorating the soldier for the third time for his outstanding bravery during his assignment in the war.
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