zelo-, zel-; zeal-
(Greek > Latin: ardor, fervor; jealousy, jealous)
Etymologically, jealousy and zeal came from the same source. Both originally came from Greek zelos. This passed into post-classical Latin as zelus, which later produced the adjective zelosus. Old French incorporated this as gelos or jelous and passed it on to English.
The Greek word denoted "jealousy" and "fervor, enthusiasm", and it is this strand of meaning that has come down to us as jealous. Jalousie was the French equivalent of jealousy. Most of the words that became distinctive terms for "jealousy" were originally used in a good sense of "zeal" and "emulation".
2. Resentful or bitter in rivalry; envious: jealous of the success of others.
3. Having to do with or arising from feelings of envy, apprehension, or bitterness: jealous thoughts.
4. Vigilant in guarding something: "We are jealous of our family name."
5. Intolerant of disloyalty or infidelity; autocratic.
6. Etymology: from Old French gelos from 12th century, French jaloux; from Late Latin zelosus, from zelus, "zeal"; from Greek zelos; sometimes "jealousy" but more often in a sense of "emulation, rivalry", or "zeal".
2. A reference to guarding something very carefully because a person doesn't want anyone else to have it: "She jealously guards her financial gains."
2. Feeling suspicious about a rival's or competitor's influence, especially in regard to a loved one.
2. Mental uneasiness because of suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims.
2. Moved to action by a false eagerness.
2. Trying to do something with such excessive enthusiasm that it causes problems: "The overzealous movie fans created traffic jams in the downtown area."
2. A feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause); ardor, ardour, elan.
3. Excessive fervor to do something or to accomplish some end.
4. Passion; great or extreme enthusiasm.
Passions are fashions.
Through zeal, knowledge is gotten, through lack of zeal, knowledge is lost; let a man who knows this double path of gain and loss thus place himself that knowledge may grow.
2. A enthusiastic female partizan or promoter.
3. A female zealot who is actively and unreservedly enthusiastic about something.
2. A fanatically committed person.
3. A zealot was a member of a Jewish movement of the first century A.D. that fought against Roman rule in Palestine as incompatible with strict monotheism.
A sect of Jews who originated with Judas the Gaulonite (Acts 5:37). They refused to pay tribute to the Romans, on the ground that this was a violation of the principle that God was the only king of Israel. They rebelled against the Romans, but were soon scattered, and became a lawless band of brigands or bandits. They were afterwards called Sicarii, because of their use of the sica, the Roman dagger.
2. Excessive intolerance of opposing views.
3. A reference to zeal in excess, referring to cases where activism and ambition in relation to an ideology have become excessive to the point of being harmful to others, oneself, and one's own cause.
While "excess of zeal" may be used to refer to very common and individual instances of excess, zealotry tends to be reserved for cases where excess zeal is shared with others, and has formed, or merged, with some kind of dogma; typically with ideological self-perpetuation as being among its primary foundations.
The recommended use of force and violence to propagate the ideology, is a common characteristic of this kind of self-perpetuation; perhaps inline with the "ends justify the means" rationale.
2. Relating to a person who is diligent and completely devoted to an activity; also that which is inspired by an avid endeavor: If people were more zealous and less jealous, this world would be a much better place in which to live.
3. Etymology: from Greek zelos, "ardor, eager rivalry"; from Latin zelus, "zeal, jealousy."

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The enthusiasm with which we point out other people's mistakes.