xeno-, xen-, -xenic, -xenism, -xenist, -xenous, -xeny

(Greek: foreign, foreigner; alien; different; extraneous; strange, stranger; and by extension, guest)

The "x" in xeno- is pronounced "z"; "zeno". Greeks are said to have considered any stranger a "guest" and modern Greek includes xenodocheion a "guest house" or "house for guests" or its modern version of "hotel".

The etymological meaning usually denotes some aspect of a relationship involving guests or visitors of some kind.

alloxeny (s) (noun), alloxenies (pl)
The condition of two or more species of parasites occurring on a different host species: In her book, Jill read about alloxeny that referred to different species of parasites, one of which was an entoparasite
A reference to a parasite that passes through the different stages of its life cycle in the same host individual.
axenic (adjective), more axenic, most axenic
Characterized by not being contaminated by or associated with other foreign organisms: There are supposedly some axenic cultures of microorganisms that exist without the presence of other organisms.

Some experimental animals are raised in axenic conditions so they can be used for special research projects.

A reference to axeny.
1. Not contaminated by or associated with any other living organisms. Usually used in reference to pure cultures of microorganisms that are completely free of the presence of other organisms.
2. A reference to experimental animals that are raised under sterile conditions; such as, "axenic conditions"; "germfree animals".
A mixed culture of one organism together with two other speicies.
Said of a parasite that may infect two species, but can pass its entire life cycle on either.
1. A parasite making use of two different host species during its life-cycle.
2. A mixed culture of organisms where one organism is associated with two other speicies.
1. A reference to fungi that grow on the outside of the roots.
2. Nourished or receiving nourishment from external parts.
geoxene (s) (noun), geoxenes (pl)
An organism that becomes a temporary member of the soil fauna: Some bacteria can be found in a soil stratum of which it is not normally a resident, also known as a geoxene
geoxeny (s) (noun) (no pl)
A situation where an organism becomes a temporary or an accidental member of soil fauna: Jane tried to find some information on geoxeny and found out that some life forms thrived only as non-permanent residents in the soil.
In biology, going through different stages of growth on different hosts, as certain parasitic fungi; also, heteroecious.
1. Requiring more than one host in the life cycle, said of certain parasites.
2. Infecting more than one kind of host during a life cycle.

Related "foreign, strange" word families: allotrio-; barbar-.