vuls-, vell-

(Latin: to pull, pulling; to tear, tearing, tearing away; to twitch, twitching)

revulsively (adverb), more revulsively, most revulsively
1. A descriptive term for the act or an instance of drawing back or recoiling from something.
2. A reference to the diversion of disease or congestion from one part of the body to another part by cupping, counterirritants, etc.
tetanic convulsion (s) (noun); tetanic convulsions (pl)
Convulsion with sustained muscle contraction.
tonic convulsion (s) (noun); tonic convulsions, (pl)
toxic convulsion (s) (noun), toxic convulsions (pl)
Convulsion caused by the action of a toxin or poison on the nervous system.
traumatic convulsion (s) (noun), traumatic convulsions (pl)
A seizure associated with, or due to, an acute brain injury; such as, a concussion or contusion.
tussis convulsiva, pertussis
Whooping cough, a communicable, potentially deadly illness characterized by fits of coughing followed by a noisy, "whooping" indrawn breath.

It is caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. The illness is most likely to affect young children, but sometimes appears in teenagers and adults, even those who have been previously immunized.

Immunization with DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) vaccine provides protection, although that immunity may wear off with age.

When teenagers and adults get pertussis, it appears first as coughing spasms, and then a stubborn dry cough lasting up to eight weeks.

Uno avulso, non deficit alter. (Latin statement)
Translation: "When one is torn away, another is not wanted."

Motto of the Kingdom of Austria.

vellicate (VIL i kayt") (verb), vellicates; vellicated; vellicating
1. To irritate by a squeeze between the thumb and finger, to pinch, or to cause a twitch: After correcting so many student papers, Mrs. Black’s eye muscles were vellicating so much that she had to put down her pen and take a break!
2. To touch a part of the body lightly in order to excite the surface nerves and to cause uneasiness, laughter, or involuntary muscular jerks and contractions: Fred liked to vellicate his baby brother on the soles of his feet because it made tiny Tim giggle a lot!
3. Etymology: from Latin vellicatus, past participle of vellicare and vellere, "to pluck, to pull, to twitch", which is of uncertain origin.
vellication (s) (noun), vellications (pl)
A sudden muscle spasm; especially, one caused by a nervous condition.
vellicative (adjective), more vellicative, most vellicative
Having the power of vellicating, plucking, or twitching; causing vellication.
vulsellum (s) (nouns), vulsella (pl)
1. A forceps with serrated blades used in surgery; a kind of pincer.
2. A kind of forceps having a small, sharp-pointed hook at the end of each blade.
3. Etymology: from Latin vosella, vulsella, "tweezers, pincers"; diminutive (used to convey a slight degree of the root meaning, smallness) of volsa, "a tool for tearing", which stands in gradational relationship (process or change taking place through a series of stages, by degrees, or in a gradual manner) to vellere, "to tear".
vulture (s) (noun), vultures (pl)
1. Any of the various large birds of prey of the New World family Cathartidae or of the Old World family Accipitridae, characteristically having dark plumage and a featherless head and neck and generally feeding on carrion.
2. Any of various large diurnal (day) birds of prey having naked heads and weak claws and feeding chiefly on carrion.
3. A large bird of prey with usually dark feathers and broad wings that feeds on carrion; native to: Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
4. A person of a rapacious, predatory, or profiteering nature.
5. A person who attacks in search of booty, and who waits for the chance to exploit someone else when that other person is vulnerable.
6. Etymology: from Anglo-French vultur and Old French voultour, from Latin vultur and earlier voltur, perhaps related to vellere, "to pluck, to tear".

Pointing to a page about extinction of vultures in India The extinction of Indian vultures.

vulturine: vulture
1. Of or pertaining to a vulture or vultures.
2. Characteristic of, like that of, a vulture; rapacious, predatory.

Rapacious refers to the action of taking by force; plundering; greedy; ravenous; subsisting on live prey.

vulturish (adjective), more vulturish, most vulturish
A reference to living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey.
vulturous (adjective), more vulturous, most vulturous
Living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey; "a predatory bird"; "the rapacious wolf"; "raptorial birds"; "ravening wolves"; "a vulturine taste for offal".